“And that's how you build the perfect hot cocoa charcuterie board for Santa!” I beam at my phone camera, giving it my best social media manager sparkle. “Don't forget to like and follow Wonder Toys for more holiday magic. Remember–Christmas isn't just a day, it's a feeling you can carry with you all year!”

With practiced ease, I hit stop on the recording and let out a happy sigh. The office is empty except for me, everyone else having rushed home early to beat the incoming storm. But I had to get this content filmed and scheduled before starting my holiday adventures.

“Girl, you are really getting into this Christmas spirit,” I mutter to myself as I review the footage. The red and white polka dot dress I'm wearing perfectly matches the season, hugging my curves in all the right places. Sure, some might say I'm a little too curvy to be the face of Wonder Toys' social media, but our followers love I look like them—real, plus-sized, and fabulous.

My phone buzzes with Mom's holiday ringtone—Jingle Bells—and I already know what's coming before I answer.

“Please tell me you're on your way,” she says the moment I put my cell to my ear. “The storm's picking up and the weather channel says it's going to be a big one.”

“Just finishing up at work.” I pack away the cocoa board props, phone tucked between my ear and shoulder. “My car's already loaded with everything for the family Christmas extravaganza. I'll be home before you know it.”

“You better be. Your cousins are already asking when you're arriving. And you know how Great-Aunt Pearl gets if anyone's late to Christmas Eve dinner.”

I roll my eyes, remembering last year's lecture about punctuality being next to godliness. “Trust me, Mom. Nothing's keeping me from getting to Alpine Cove tonight. Not even Mother Nature herself.”

“That's what your cousin Beth said last year, and she ended up spending Christmas Eve at a truck stop.”

“I'm not Beth.” I tuck the last of the props into my bag. “And I've got Rudolph guiding my sleigh.”

“Oh lord, you didn't put that ridiculous light-up toy on your car again?”

“It's festive!”

“It's hazardous,” Mom sighs. “Just like those Christmas sweaters you keep sending your father. The one from last year actually plays music, did you know that? He wore it to church, and it started jingling during prayer.”

I can't help but laugh, picturing Dad's secretly delighted face. “That's why I got him two this year.”

“Noelle Marie Winters...”

“Kidding! Sort of.” I pause at the office window, watching the snow swirl outside. “Hey Mom?”

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Save me some of your special eggnog? The real kind, not the watered-down version you make for the kids?”

“Already have a cup with your name on it. But you have to get here to claim it.”

“I’m leaving now. I’ll even take the shortcut through Alpha Mountain, so I’m there sooner.”

“OK. Drive safe, sweetheart. And call me when you hit Alpine Cove.”

“Will do. I’ll be there within the hour. Promise.”

Famous last words.

By the time that hour is up, I'm still white-knuckling the steering wheel of my trusty Beetle as it crawls up Alpha Mountain. The snow's coming down so thick I can barely see past my hood ornament—a light-up Rudolf that usually makes me smile but is currently just casting an eerie red glow through the white-out conditions.

“Come on, Rudolph,” I mutter. “We’re so close to home. Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”

The wind howls around my little car, buffeting it from side to side. I've got Christmas carols playing, trying to keep my spirits up, but even Mariah Carey’s high notes are sounding like mounting concern.

My phone, secured in its dashboard mount, tries to recalculate my route for the hundredth time.No signal. Great.

“Where the hell am I?” I’ve driven this way home to Mom and Dad’s a few times, but not so often that I can do it without Google maps’ help. Maybe if it wasn’t so white everywhere, I might have an idea where I’m going, but as I lean close to the windscreen, squinting as I try to make out what’s ahead, I can’t tell if that’s a curve in the road. Or maybe a…tree?

“Oh, shit!”