I bite back yet another smile as I untangle myself from the sheets and start getting ready for the day. There's a comfort in moving around each other, a natural ease that seems at odds with the newness of our relationship. But it feels right, and I keep catching myself thinking ‘Calvin Barrett ismyman’ over and over again, like it’s an affirmation I’m trying to will into existence. Except it’s true. He really is my man. And that alone makes me the happiest woman on earth.
“I’ll meet you there,” I say once we’re downstairs. I walk toward my car, but Calvin stops me with a gentle hand on my arm.
“Why don't I drive us both?” he suggests with a wiggle of his brows.
I laugh, tilting my head to look up at him as he draws me into his arms. “And how exactly am I supposed to get to work after without my car?”
He grins. “Well, you could always shower and change at my place after class. I do believe I have a raincheck to cash in...”
I bite my lip, trying to suppress a smile at his proposition. The idea of starting my day with Calvin, both in Pilates and in his arms, sends a thrill through me.
Looking down at my watch, I do a quick calculation of how long it’d take to go back and forth, because I have to admit, I really like the idea of riding passenger princess with this man. “OK. It’ll be a bit of a time crunch. But I think we can manage it.”
“Oh, I see. You’re slotting me into your schedule?”
“I’m a woman in demand,” I tease, poking his chest. “You're just lucky I keep a gym bag with a spare uniform in my trunk. Or you'd be plum out of luck.”
Calvin's grin widens, and he leans down to brush a kiss against my lips. “Guess I'm a lucky guy then. Come on, let's get going. I’ll need every possible minute since I've got plans for you, doc.”
With my heart feeling as though it’s getting bigger by the second, I let him lead me to his truck, the simple act feeling somehow daring and intimate. He opens the door for me like a true gentleman, and I slide into the passenger seat, savoring this sweet moment, while Calvin hops in beside me and fires up the engine. The rumble vibrates through the cab, and find myself stealing glances at him as he adjusts the rearview mirror and steals glances right back at me.
“See something you like?” I tease, and he grins.
“Fuck yeah, I do. My girl is sittin’ right beside me where she belongs.”
I feel my cheeks heat at the possessive undertone in his voice. “Your girl, huh? I didn't realize we were in a full-on relationship already. You should really work on that communication, Mr. Barrett.”
Calvin's fingers tighten slightly on the steering wheel. “I feel like I’ve been pretty fucking clear on where I stand here, doc. But let me make it crystal—you, Olivia Angelo, are mine. My girl, my partner, my everything. I want you aboveanythingelse in this world. That work for you?”
His straightforward declaration sends a thrill straight to my core, leaving me equal parts flustered and elated. “I suppose I can work with that,” I manage, trying to play it cool even as a girlish giggle tries to bubble up out of my chest. I honestly have to pinch myself to believe this is happening, but the more he claims me with his words, the more my doubts melt away and my belief sets in.
“Good to know we’re on the same page,” he replies, his gaze flickering to me before returning to the road.
It’s barely a heartbeat later before his hand reaches over to find mine. The moment our fingers intertwine, a sense of rightness overcomes me, and I snuggle back against the leather seat as Calvin's thumb strokes the back of my hand.Perfection.
When we pull into the studio parking lot, I’m about to undo my seatbelt and hop out when Calvin’s hand tightens around mine, holding me in place. “What’s this?” I ask, turning to him and smiling.
He looks down at our joined hand and sighs. “I don’t want to stop touching you. And I know that the moment we get out of my truck, we have to.”
“You’re right. We should probably keep this possessiveness of yours to a minimum during class.”
“I can’t do that, doc.”
“You’ll at least have to tone down any sort of PDA.” I tilt my head and give him a big smile. “Wouldn't want to scandalize the soccer moms.”
He rolls his eyes on a laugh. “Heaven forbid.”
We pause for a moment, eyes locked. I want nothing more than to launch myself into his arms, public decency be damned, but I know we need to be smart about this.
I lift our joined hands and press a kiss to his rough knuckles.
“I'll head in first,” I murmur, slowly extricating my hand from his grip. “Wait a few minutes before following me, yeah? And for the love of god, try to keep the smoldering glances to a minimum.”
He chuckles, his eyes dragging over me like a lover’s caress as I move to open my door. “I make no promises, but I'll do my best.”
With great effort, I tear myself away and head into the studio, willing my racing heart to calm. I’m already set up at my station when he walks in. But I’m hyper-aware of his every movement throughout the class. Each stolen glance and barely there touchfeels like an electric current, sending my mind spiraling with giddy anticipation. By the time we're finished, I'm wound tighter than a coiled spring, desperate for him to take me back to his place and make good on his promise from this morning.
We don’t even make it that far. The moment I climb into his truck, Calvin hauls me against him and crushes his mouth to mine in a searing kiss that has me instantly melting. His tongue delves deep, tangling with mine as his hands roam my curves, igniting sparks across my skin even through the barrier of my clothing. I moan into his mouth, my fingers threading into his hair to pull him closer as I lose myself in his kiss, his touch, his taste, his scent.