“I’m right there with you,” I told her, handing over more money so we could both keep throwing darts.

When the bear was finally hers, she jumped up and down and then threw her arms around me in thanks for pooling my tickets with hers to attain it. She jumped away before I could slide my hands down her back and yank her body close to mine. Her cheeks were blazing red as she looked at the bear the game's attendant finally handed over.

“Oh my God, now we have to carry it,” she said.

“What do you mean, we?” I asked, tossing the thing that was half her size at her.

I let her carry it for about ten feet, grinning at her determination, and then took it from her. We got some sodas and popcorn and settled onto a bench to watch the crowds flow past us. As we engaged in idle chit-chat, she was overcome by a huge yawn.

“Sorry,” she said, slapping her hand over her mouth. “I admit my actual plan was to take a nap for ten hours as soon as I got to Katie’s.”

I stifled a groan, having forgotten all about them. Brooke peered up at me over the top of her bear’s pink, fluffy head, and her brows furrowed.

“Was something going on they didn’t want me to know about?” she asked.

“You’re very astute,” I said.

“You remember I said I had a crazy family? You learn to notice when things are off.”

I didn’t want our day to end, but I told her I’d call and check in, and see if it was safe to go back, only after she dragged the story of Lev possibly getting his ass kicked by Aleks for marrying Jenna out of me.

“He kind of deserved at least one punch,” she said, surprising the hell out of me and delighting me to the point I told a little fib after I hung up with Katie.

“Things are still tense,” I lied. Katie had told me there was no fight. It was all a practical joke Aleks had played on her, Lev, and Jenna, and we could return whenever we wanted.

Well, I didn’t want to. Not yet. But Brooke failed to stifle another yawn, so I suggested we move onto the beach and relax until dinner time. Ducking into a beach shop, I bought a few towels and some more cold drinks, and we set up near the pier. Within ten minutes, Brooke was sprawled out on the towels, fast asleep.

I sat there, unable to believe how perfectly content I was to hang out on the beach when there were a dozen other things I could have been doing, and, indeed, should have been doing. And with a sleeping woman, no less. An hour passed by like a minute as I watched over Brooke, and soon enough, she popped up, as refreshed as if she got a full night’s sleep.

“Can I finally see this diner of yours you can’t seem to shut up about?” she teased, standing up and brushing sand off her clothes. I was distracted by her curves as she twisted around, shaking out her top and smoothing her hands down her legs. “You shouldn’t have let me sleep so long. You must have been dying of boredom.”

“On the contrary,” I said. “I’m having the time of my life.”

Yes, I’d been flirting with her throughout the day. I was completely shameless about it, and she blew that truthful statement off as just another bit of bluster. We counted down as the sun dipped below the horizon, then she grabbed my hand and tried to haul me to the valet lot where I’d left my car.

“Come on, I’m starving,” she said. “And I need to see this place you’ve been bragging about all day.” She peered up at me with mischief in her eyes, and all I could do was grin down at her.

This was the most fun I’d had in a long time. Doing foolish things, I would have balked at with anyone else. Hell, anyone else and I would have told them where to get off.

“Well, my dear,” I said. “It’s Friday night, and just about time for the Hustle to be getting started. Do you think you’re ready?”

She rolled her eyes, bright and clear from her nap, and just then rivaling the dusky gray-blue of the evening sky. “I think you probably oversold this place of yours, but I’m ready to eat for sure.”

While waiting for the valet to bring the car around, she kept teasing me for bragging about my diner. “I’m sure it’s fine, but how amazing can a diner be?”

I leaned close, close enough that her eyes flew wide.

“Brooke?” I said, close enough to nip her lush lower lip if I didn’t have a firm grip on my restraint.

“Yes?” she squeaked, surprising me yet again by not backing away.

“Just you wait and see.”

Chapter 3 - Brooke

I couldn’t believe how much fun I was having. This day was like a dream, but one I never dared to have. Max was outrageous and flirty, and it would have been easy to take him way too seriously and fall head over heels for his charm. I had to keep reminding myself that this was just the way he was, and while he made me feel so special that I might have been the only woman in the city as far as he was concerned, it just wasn’t that deep, and I shouldn’t get caught up in it.

It was enough to wind down and enjoy the first vacation I ever had in my life. I couldn’t believe I actually dozed off on the beach with Max sitting beside me. A whole hour of a refreshing snooze and I was ready to get the fun started back up again.