“It’s been too long,” I said, pushing her backward until she was splayed out on the bed.
“Then stop working so late,” she pouted, dragging her fingertips up my chest to grip my shoulders.
“Stop pretending to be asleep when I get home,” I countered, chuckling at her slight gasp. Yes, she was just understanding that she had more control than she realized, and her hands grew still before tangling into my hair.
The only thing keeping me from every inch of her body snapped under my firm grip, and I threw the ripped fabric aside.
“That’s my entire outfit you ruined,” she sighed as I kissed my way down her smooth belly.
“I’ll buy you a new one,” I promised, delving my tongue into her belly button.
Her hips rose, and I pressed them down, continuing my journey to the crux of her thighs. Spreading her legs wide, Iplunged my face between them, inhaling her scent as I lapped up my fill of her juices.
Her sounds drove me on until her hips thrashed, and my cock seemed like it might burst, so eager to be inside her. Teasing her was fun, but we were both growing dangerously impatient. I rose a few inches to take her in, utterly gorgeous in her intense need.
The pale places where her bathing suit stood out against her new, golden tan, her muscles leaner and more defined, but not erasing those curves that had me drooling over her like she was a feast. The bedspread twisted beneath her, and her hair spread like a halo from thrashing her head.
The moment my tongue wasn’t on her pussy, her eyes flew open, and her ferocity had me smiling.
“Just had to look at you,” I said, returning to circling her clit until she was writhing again. “How much more can you take?”
Her soft cries rose to echo around the room, and she gripped handfuls of my hair as her hips rose against my mouth. “Max,” she called out, and I was finished.
She commanded me by merely calling out my name, and I couldn’t wait another second. As she was still spasming from the orgasm I gave her, I rose up and drove my cock deep into her slick, tight heat. She cried out again and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me on top of her.
“Yes,” she said, half sob, half demand. “Harder, please.”
There was nothing I wouldn’t have done for her, and we were on the same page. Deep and hard, until I was completely lost except for the feel of her beneath me.
“Brooke,” I said, my voice hoarse from holding back the flood of passion that might have consumed us both.
I dropped my head to the crook of her neck and roared with one final thrust, driving deep and filling her with my seed. “You’re mine,” I gasped. “Say it.”
She bit me hard on the shoulder, another orgasm combining with mine. “Yes,” she said with my flesh pressed against her mouth.
It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but it was enough for now. The fact we were tangled in each other’s arms after what felt like a century of going without was more than enough. Her rueful smile when I rolled to the side and dragged her against me was like a gift.
Tucking my arm under her head, I began to stroke up and down her side. No more goosebumps, just smooth, hot skin. I kicked away the mess of covers and flopped my head back on the pillow. It had been a long day, and hadn’t gone to plan, but it just might have turned out better.
“So now you know a little bit more about what I do,” I said, my eyes growing heavy.
It was dangerous to be completely relaxed around anyone I’d only known as long as Brooke, and I’d never fully let down my guard around any other woman. But she was different. She was mine, and she’d almost admitted it.
Chapter 22 - Brooke
Max was a big lump of relaxed muscle beside me, and I was feeling pretty warm and sated myself, resting my cheek against his firm chest. He smelled like the smoke from the grill, a bit of his spicy cologne, and the ever-present scent of the sea I had grown to love so much.
I should have been guarding my heart as well as my sanity, but I was just too spent to work up to my customary resentment. Until he was lightly snoring less than five minutes after our fevered moments of passion. We’d both been panting, on the verge of a coronary incident, and I was still tingling with the echoes of his touch, and he was… fast asleep.
Hmph. It must be nice to fall asleep so easily, without a care in the world. I couldn’t relate, since I hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since I became his captive.
Not his wife, his captive.
There it was. The resentment was back and threatening to make my heart start pounding again. I edged out of his arms so my tension wouldn’t wake him up. Was I concerned about his peaceful slumber?
No, because I had just thought of something that made me go as still as a statue in our rumpled bed. This whole evening, since we ran from the restaurant, had been unplanned, and everything since we arrived with Dima had been completely impromptu, including falling all over each other once Dima was so unceremoniously kicked out.
I couldn’t remember where Max put his things down when we first got home, and normally, I was on high alert about that since I was desperate to catch him putting his phone down somewhere I could grab it. But this evening, I hadn’t been payingattention because we had a guest, and one who might have been injured at that.