A ripple ran through me, and it wasn’t from fear, which had me pissed off at myself. How could I still be attracted to this man? He was at least partly responsible for my predicament last night. If Max hadn’t shown me so much flirtatious attention at his diner, it wouldn’t have made Luca go into rivalry mode.
I tried to shove him away, but he was immovable, like a fortified wall of pure muscle. To my utter shock, he dropped a kiss on top of my head and slid back a step, grinning at me.
“Eat your breakfast and get dressed. We’ll be heading to the courthouse shortly.”
What in the actual hell? I stared at him as he left the room, wincing at the slight click of the door. I hurried forward, but of course, I wasn’t locked in. I just hadn’t heard him right. I was still asleep, or under the influence.
Because this couldn’t be real. He had to be carrying out the joke. He and Lev had been making all sorts of jokes when we hung out by the pool, and Max had kept me laughing on my first day in LA. That seemed like weeks ago instead of just three days. Another lifetime.
In order to keep from dredging up memories of last night, I whipped off the silver cover, and my stomach rumbled at the sight of French toast and strawberries, crispy bacon, and scrambled eggs. Okay, maybe I wasn’t entirely over the lux life.
Wolfing down the breakfast made me feel much better and ready to face Max’s teasing. I jumped up to put on the new clothes, smiling at the quality of the fabric between my fingers. Of course, he was just joking around to keep me from reliving the nightmare. That’s all it was.
The dress floated around my knees, as light and airy as butterfly wings, and the color made my eyes pop. I twirled in front of the bathroom's three-way mirror, pleased with how nice I’d look on the plane back home, even though I wouldn’t be in first class this time.
“You look amazing,” Max said when I came down the stairs.
He didn’t look so bad himself, in a dark suit and crisp white shirt with a black and green striped tie. Almost like he was dressed for a wedding.
I laughed as we got into the car, kind of respecting how far he was willing to take his joke. I didn’t bring up how grateful I was, because it still stuck in my craw that I’d been reduced to calling him for help at all. Since I didn’t know much about Los Angeles, I wasn’t sure where we were heading, and just assumed it was back to Katie’s house where I could pack up my things. My phone was long gone, but I could get a new one.
“Are we heading toward downtown?” I asked.
“Yes, that’s where the courthouse is,” he said.
“Okay, this really isn’t funny now,” I told him, turning to glare.
He looked back at me mildly. “I’m taking this completely seriously.”
And then we arrived, where a woman about my age met us with a bouquet in her hands and a sheaf of papers we needed to sign. She barely got to introduce herself as Olivia before rushing off with our paperwork while we took a seat in a hallway.
Before I could find the presence of mind to ask what was going on, Luca arrived in sunglasses and a ball cap, doing a terrible job of going incognito. Doing a worse job of hiding his simmering rage at Max. A few people around us clearly recognized him but showed restraint since they were waiting for their time before the judge.
As Max greeted Luca, I could tell he was angry as well, but there was a triumphant gleam in his eyes as he led the way to the designated floor. When Olivia reappeared to deal with Luca, I hustled Max aside.
“What do you think you’re doing? What did I just sign? Don’t you think you’re taking this way too far?”
He looked down at me with concern, then answered my questions one by one in an infuriatingly calm manner. “I’m marrying you to save your skin from that degenerate. You signed the papers I had Olivia get in order to push this through in a hurry. And no, I’m not taking it too far.” When I only gaped at him, he pulled me further from Luca’s burning stare and leaned close. “This is the only thing that will get him off your back. You need to trust me on this.”
Except I didn’t. Not at all. However, I felt sick having Luca anywhere near me, to the point my skin was crawling, and I decided to go along with Max’s charade. He must have had some kind of plan to get both of us out of this. The very fact that someone as powerful as Max was going to such lengths told me how ruthless Luca must be.
I could just say this was all a mistake and run out. Who would stop me with all these witnesses? But who should I fear more? And what lengths would I have to go to to stay hidden from those powerful men if I ran?
My mind was spinning, and having Luca’s presence so soon after he’d attacked me kept me pinned to Max’s side. Before I knew it, we were officially married and heading back to his house. Only when we pulled into his long, curving driveway and parked in front of the grand mansion did I realize how deep I was in this.
“I want to go back to Katie’s,” I said. “I’ve had enough. I appreciate you getting me out of this, but—” the words clogged in my throat as Max took my arm and led me into the house.
He slammed the heavy door shut and breathed out through his nose in a huff. “You still don’t understand howfixated Luca can get. I can almost guarantee that he’ll be driving past this place sometime today or tonight, and if he thinks you’re not here, he’ll go looking for you.”
I didn’t want to believe this, but the blank, soulless look in Luca’s eyes when he locked me in his apartment was still fresh in my mind.
“Tell me the truth about him,” I sighed.
Max led me down the entrance hall and pulled out a kitchen chair, his face so serious I almost didn’t want to know. I sat down heavily, and he crouched down in front of me, searching my face in earnest.
“All you need to know is I’m going to take care of it. For now, you’re safest with me. I don’t want that monster near my sister-in-law or my niece, and believe me, he’s not getting near you while you’re here.”
I let out a small sob, horrified that I’d been about to lead that stalker to Katie’s. Max pulled me close, rubbing my arms in a soothing way. Until it wasn’t so relaxing, but rather had me feeling overly warm. Memories of the heated makeout session on the first night I arrived had been awakened by the quick kiss he gave me at the courthouse, to seal the deal in front of our angry witness.