Try to forget about her? Not a chance. Only my pride kept me from getting out of bed and scouring the city for her. What I decided to do was put the restlessness to good use since I spent the last two days with Brooke and hadn’t been keeping up with work. Even in the Bratva, there was always something to sign or double-check, and I had my legitimate businesses, too. Because of an infatuation, I couldn’t have my lucrative money laundering schemes going under or lose my important contacts.

My robe was barely thrown around my shoulders when my phone pinged, and I was on it like a hawk sighting a mouse in a field. It wasn’t so much a sixth sense, but a burning hope it would be from Brooke.

Just not the jumbled mess of typos that came through. I read it through twice, not sure what she was trying to get across, but what I did figure out was that she was with Luca. My blood went cold as I messaged her back.

Where are you?

A few seconds later, a reply, just as scrambled.Don't know. Fancy. Top floor. Asleep for some of the ride.

Fucking hell. When I warned her about Luca’s depravity, I shouldn't have sugar-coated things. Now, she was in his clutches somehow.

I’ll find you.

Filled with fury, I threw on the first clothes I got my hands on, strapped on my gun, and flew out of my house. I had a very good idea where my old nemesis had taken her. High-end real estate was a side project I used to dabble in, it was why I was able to snap up my restaurant building in the hottest part of Hollywood before the place even came on the market, and how most of my family members had second or third homes dotted around the county.

I still had plenty of contacts and kept up when major properties changed hands. It was a good practice to know who was moving into town and if they might cause us trouble down the line, plus, I was just nosy that way. Because of that, I was well aware that Luca had bought one of the most expensive apartments in the city a year ago, even though it was never made public in any trade publications and he’d never been snapped by a paparazzi there.

The sick bastard probably thought he was safe in his secret lair, but he wasn’t. I was already on my way, amped up with rage and barely keeping my terror for Brooke’s safety under control. No one was safe, not even the world’s most beloved action hero. Not when my woman’s life was on the line.

I only hoped my hunch was correct and I wasn’t heading in the wrong direction. Time was ticking. Gripping the steering wheel, I pressed my foot to the gas.

Chapter 10 - Brooke

Even though I was locked in, I weakly dragged a chair to the door and wedged it up against it as best I could in my weakened state. Seeing Max’s speedy reply gave me just enough energy and hope to be able to do that, but then I collapsed against the side of the bed, trying to stay awake and focusing all my energy on the door and my phone.

Max had assured me he was on his way, and I clung to that, but how could he possibly know where I was when I didn’t know. I was so scared I considered calling the police while the seconds dragged by like weeks.

But what could I possibly tell them? I’d eagerly accepted the date with Luca, and he was so famous and well-loved by all of America, hell, the world, that who would believe a nobody like me over him? The bottle of water he’d given me was probably gone without a trace, but I could barely stand or speak without slurring. All Luca had to do if the cops arrived was tell them I was out of my mind on drugs, and they’d believe him because he’d be right.

Now that the adrenaline was wearing thin and I wasn’t moving around, I started to lapse back into unconsciousness. It was a welcome relief from the abject terror over what Luca had in store for me, and there was no fighting the strength of whatever I’d been dosed with.

I jolted awake from my half-conscious state by shouting, and I scrambled to my feet. There was a commotion somewhere in the apartment, and I scrambled to the door, tossing aside the chair I pushed up against it. The door was still locked, so I couldn’t find out what was going on, but after holding my breathand pressing my ear to the door, I recognized Max’s voice as that of one of the shouters.

Oh my God, he really found me. Filled with relief, and astounded that he’d managed to put my scattered description of the place together to find me so fast, I pounded on the door from my side.

“Max, I’m in here,” I yelled, stopping to cough and brace myself against the wall. Just that small bit of exertion had me dizzy again.

Feet thundered down the hall, and I staggered back. A second later, the door was flung open, and Max stood there, breathing hard like a bull about to charge. His eyes softened when he saw me, but his big body remained on high alert. Luca appeared behind him, holding a towel to his bloody lip and looking almost as furious as Max.

In fact, both of them looked so unhinged I cursed myself for not calling Jenna. Causing a scene while we were guests in her sister’s house didn’t seem such a big deal now that I was trapped in this apartment with two crazy, angry men.

I always worked so hard to be unproblematic, always the reliable one who didn’t make foolish choices. Embarrassment at having to admit to my best friend that I screwed up big time was now threatening my safety, maybe even my life.

Luca tried to pull Max away as he advanced toward me into the room, but Max spun around and punched him.

“I’ll break your million-dollar nose if you don’t get the fuck back,” Max snarled. “I swear I’ll kill you, and to hell with the consequences of having to hide your famous ass.”

Because of the look in Max’s eyes, as dark as a cave at midnight, Luca took a step back, but there was hatred simmering in his own eyes.

“You wouldn’t dare,” he taunted. What a damn idiot. Didn’t he see what I saw in Max’s face? They were both batshit deranged, but I knew who I’d bet on in a fight. “Brooke is mine,” he continued. “I’ll be damned if I give her up to you, Fokin.”

I fully hated Luca Ross, down to the marrow of my bones. For the life of me I couldn’t see why I ever thought he was handsome. He was hideous now that his mask was off.

With Max between us, I found the courage to hiss at him. “I’m not yours. I’ll never be yours.”

“That’s right,” Max said, moving a step closer to me but never taking his eyes off the snake. “Brooke is my fiancée, and that means family. You should know how the Fokins take care of people who mess with our family.”

I was too stunned to make another peep, but Luca called bullshit with a laugh.