My phone beeps again. A text from Elle this time.
Picking you up at seven. We’re having a girls’ night out.
I’ve been turning her down because I’ve been so busy.
I text back.I’ll be ready.Then, I resume preparations for a presentation to a new client. I’m going to knock their socks off.
I’m almost done with my work and check the time. Damn. They’ll be here in half an hour. Where’d the time go?
I run upstairs to take a shower. I pin my hair up so it doesn’t get wet before I get in. I don’t have time to dry it.
After a quick cleanse, I move to my closet and stand there with a towel wrapped around me, deciding what to wear. My gaze lands on the red dress I bought last week at a boutique here in town. I found it endearing; it hits me just above the knee with puffy capped sleeves, and hugs my waist before flaring at my hips. It’s got a Western vibe and will look good with my black ankle booties. I slip it on before heading back to the bathroom,where I swiftly apply makeup and put my hair in a ponytail. Grab my sweater. It a little cold here at night for my Texas blood once the sun goes down. I head down the stairs just as Elle comes to the front door. I open it, and we give each other a quick hug.
“Come on, guys,” Catherine yells out from the car’s window.“We need to have some fun.”
I get in the back seat of the Bronco. “Where are we going?” I ask Elle as she puts the car in gear. I’m game for about anything. I don’t have any early meetings tomorrow.
“Whiskeys,” Elle says.
It’s the local bar on the outskirts of town, a hangout for all the townspeople. I’ve been there a few times. They have excellent nachos. Ryan’s cousin owns it.
“Sounds good,” I say.
It’s a quick ride. We park and head inside.
“I’m surprised that Carson isn’t here,” I tell Elle.
Elle doesn’t bother answering me, but Catherine gives a little smirk. We all know that he’ll show up. The man is protective of his wife and Elle doesn’t seem to mind. I’m not sure I could handle it.
We grab a seat, and the waitress takes our order. I look around, recognizing some faces.
Catherine gets my attention when she announces, “I need to set you up.”
I turn my head and look at her.
“Not interested, too busy. What about you? Have you been on any hot dates?”
This gets her talking about her latest dating disaster. I have to give it to her; she’s not afraid to put herself out there.
I can’t help but notice when Ryan and Carson walk in and sit on the other side of the bar. Ryan’s wearing a worn pair of jeans and a fitted T-shirt. I wrench my eyes away from him. I knewCarson would show up to keep an eye on his wife. I just wasn’t expecting Ryan to be with him. I ignore him, which is hard because I can feel his eyes on me. Maybe that’s why I drink a few more margaritas than I should.
I’m drunk by the time we decide to call it a night. We shuffle to the door, with Carson helping us out. I can feel Ryan behind me, but I choose to ignore him. I walk toward Elle’s Bronco, but a hand on my shoulder steers me in the opposite direction. I twist away, almost falling in the process. “What the fuck!”
“Come on,” Ryan says.
“I don’t want to go with you.”
“Too bad. I’m your ride home.”
Before I can say another word, he swings me over his shoulder and starts walking. My stomach lurches from being carried upside down.
“I’m going to be sick,” I groan.
He stops, and I stand upright again.
“Are you going to throw up?” he asks.
I bend over and take a few deep breaths.