Page 73 of Villainous Greed

“People don’t know everything he’s done for them,” Sebatian stated.

I lowered my head and sighed. “They’re figuring it out since we’re no longer doing our jobs.”

“We can bust him out of Heaven when we’ve kicked Harvest’s ass.”

“We fade away, Sebastian. We don’t go to Heaven.”

“Yeah, but they’ll know how to bring Dad back.”

“You’re talking as if he’s already gone.” My chest tightened as reality set in.

Sebastian stared at our mates with a blank expression on his face. “I’m just saying.” He sniffed. “What about Barron?”

I tensed. “What about him?”


My stomach felt like it sank into my boots. “Don’t.”

“We’ve got to talk about it because I’m worried.”

My jaw dropped at Sebastian’s declaration.

He asked again, “What will we do about Barron?”

When Gwendolyn got sucked into the gate and almost went to Heaven,was what Sebastian didn’t say.

“If Barron is a danger to himself, we lock him up.”

Sebastian wiped his face. “And Joy’s babies.”

“Would you stop!” I yelled. “Are you purposely trying to make us cry?”

“I’m just going over every reason we can’t fade away. Man, we have so much shit to do.”

“What’s wrong?” Isabellaasked, approaching with Nova.

“Why are both your faces red?” Nova scrutinized me than Sebastian, crossing her arms.

Sebastian shrugged. “We were close to tears because you two wouldn’t let us kill anything.”

Isabella rolled her eyes. “Lie again, and I’ll let you sleep instead of touching you.”

Sebastian gripped his chest and staggered dramatically, making her laugh. “You’re a cruel woman.”

Nova chuckled softly, causing my stomach to heat.

I didn’t need a reminder of what was at stake. I stared at my reason every second I could.


We wiped out four more of Harvest’s hideouts before returning to Grim’s castle. Payne and Joy spent most of their time in the ballroom watching the eggs shrouded in flames. Mom and Dad kept Kitty company in the kitchen while she ate everything. Dad still wore gloves. He hid what was happening from my sisters, but the truth was clear in the dark circles beneath his eyes. I sensed Prudence, Maureen, and Barron in the castle, so they must have been in their rooms with their mates.

None of us had taken a break since Harvest started the apocalypse. Besides destroying Harvest’s hideouts, everyone was resting. I didn’t think too much about why that was. We needed a second to breathe before Harvest’s next attack. When he stopped sending the dragons, it gave everyone a chance to breathe.

In my room, I materialized a small table and food for Nova. There was a ridiculous assortment of fruits and dip, along with a fresh pot of soup.I was fortunate to materialize those items.When I tried getting chicken legs, nothing appeared. The human world was in deep shit. How long would it last?

We probably should do something for the mortals. We’d save a few if we helped, but on the other side of their world, hundreds more were seeing demons for the first time. The unnatural weather patterns had ripped holes between the worlds, making portal chips useless.Reapers were no longer effective. Where would we decide to go to save the humans? How could we decide who lived and who died? Dad said we couldn’t help them anymore when we couldn’t help ourselves. He was right, but it wasn’t a simple decision when we’d been human protectors our whole lives.