I’d killed innocent lives already, but the weight of what we must do set heavily on my shoulders. While I had no choice back then, every choice from there would be mine. Those demons might not know what they signed up for, but they still became wicked. We had to intervene before Harvest’s followers hurt more innocence.
An unexpected rush of adrenaline burst through me as August neared. I didn’t have to look to my right to know it was him. My body had a certain awareness for the man that terrified me. I kept feeling new sensations around him.
“What’s wrong?” He touched the middle of my back.
I swallowed as the spot grew warm. “Nothing.”
“If it makes you feel better, these demons aren’t good. If we were concerned about wandering souls, every soul would get descended.”
“Ghosts and demon souls are the least of our problems,” Sebastian muttered.
“Do you want me to show you?” August asked.
My nose wrinkled, and he smirked.
“If you focus hard enough, you can see their souls, Nova. My power courses through your veins.” Materializing his scythe, August stepped forward and opened a portal.
An ominous chill swept down my spine the longer I stared at the swirling black vortex. A piercing wail pierced my skull, causing my teeth to chatter. I stumbled back a step. “T-that’s…”
“It’s the gate to Hell,” August said. “We send the wicked souls to the Devil.”
My stomach churned, and I had the sudden urge to vomit. I swallowed heavily, trying to keep down the precious chicken.
It’s where I belonged because of the horrible things I’d done.As I watched several screaming black blobs fly into the vortex, I shook. I wasn’t a good person. Was that my future?
My knees nearly buckled when August closed the gate. I didn’t know how I stood. “I don’t have a kind soul,” I whispered as August stepped in front of me.
“You have an immortal one.” August grabbed my hand with his mechanical one. His yellow essence surrounded us, and something about its presence was comforting. His essence had always been with me. In the beginning, it made me upset. At that moment, it felt warm and inviting. “And your soul is good. I’ve seen all that you’ve done for others. You might have forgotten, but I haven’t.”
“I’ve done bad things.”
“That’s the cool thing about God.” Isabella walked toward us. “Sebastian says He finds everyone redeemable.” With a gloved hand, she pulled my hand from August’s. “You’re not the only one with blood on your hands because of Harvest.”
I didn’t know what to think of Isabella. Repeatedly, she offered kindness. It was almost as if the witch was trying to connect with me. She was unaware that I had no concern for my actions at that time. My hatred completely consumed me for those who had done me wrong. That feeling was resurfacing forcefully, and I wasn’t ready for it.
I pulled away quickly. “Let’s go to another hideout.”
In the next location, I stood back and let the boys take out the demons. Their fighting was a lot messier than my way. Somehow, August materialized another chicken leg as he fought two demons because the food floated near my head. I snatched it and took a big bite. My stomach felt swollen and full, but I couldn’t resist eating every time August put food in front of me.
Isabella touched a red-skinned demon when he got too close, and he fell over dead. Sebastian stabbed him in the back, and his mate shook her head.
Seeing them together was strange. How were mates supposed to act? My gaze wandered to August, who dematerialized his sword as he stalked toward me. “I think that was the last one. Where to now, beautiful?”
I tossed the chicken bone on the ground. Suddenly, August nudged a bottle of water into my hand.
“Drink,” he urged. “Staying hydrated is just as important.”
“There’s another spot in the human…” I saw August tipping forward as his eyes closed. “August?” The big Reaper crashedinto me. I would have fallen over with him if it weren’t for Sebastian lifting him off me.
“What’s wrong with him?” As Sebastian helped August stand, I caressed his face with my palm. He was a head taller than Sebastian, if not more. August’s breath fanned my palm and soothed some of my worry.
“Yep,” Sebastian said. “Knew it was coming.”
“What?” I asked.
“Don’t worry. He’s asleep.”
“I don’t understand.”