Page 51 of Villainous Greed

“When have I said that I don’t hate you?”

“I’m pretty sure you said ‘I forgot what not hating you felt like’.” August grinned as he loomed over me. “Do you still hate me?”

“I—I don’t think I ever hated you,” I admitted as my stomach fluttered. “If I truly despised you like I tried to, then there was no way I could have believed you.”

August reached out and tucked some hair behind my ear. I jerked away, placing my palm over my hammering heart.

In a firm voice, I said, “But you lived all these years, and I remained the same.”

Don’t bring up the harem again, I thought. But the women of his past held me like quicksand. I felt trapped and consumed. Every time I thought of him with them, I wanted to destroy everything, especially Harvest. Because of Harvest, I was upset about something that I couldn’t change.

“Look at me,” August said as he turned me around. He materialized a key in his hand and held it up. “This is the key to the place I called home. You’ll find the harem there. They’re not what they seem, but you can do whatever you want to them. Just know I’ve not lain with any of them, or anyone else, for that matter.”

I froze as his words sank in. “What are you saying?”

“I’m a fake. I’ve spent a lifetime collecting people and things, trying to replace the girl I couldn’t forget. But it was pointless. I simply couldn’t replace you. Yet, the curse of greed forced me to fill the void you left behind. But the emptiness only grew bigger and bigger.”

I stumbled back as if he’d struck me.He’s not… lain with anyone because of me?Impossible!

“I saw you with them! You always had your arm draped over a different woman’s shoulders, leaning close to her face. Harvest showed me the scene repeatedly as punishment.”

August flinched. “Yeah, I did those things. My family believes the lie, too.”

The floor shook again.

August pierced me straight through my heart with his sorrowful gaze. “You don’t believe me.” He bent his head and lowered himself to one knee.“Forgive me for thinking a harem could replace you. Forgive me for trying to erase you. And forgive me for being happy, because your anger means you care about me.”

When he lifted his head, a smile spread across his face.

“The women have nothing to do with my anger,” I lied.

“Really? I think it does. Like I said, your anger implies you care.”

My face heated. Did it? All those emotions were new to me. I didn’t enjoy being so unsure. I also hated the fluttering in my stomach and the lightness in my chest.

“You must have cursed me because I have no desire for anyone but you. My entire life, I’ve wanted no one except you. I might not have known you were alive, but my soul knew. No matter how I tried, I never could get hard for another woman. I’m a virgin, Nova.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I narrowed my eyes. “I didn’t curse you.”

“Remember that protection spell you had me do years ago? Clearly, it stole my lust.”

My jaw dropped as I glared at the big jerk. “All I wanted was protection. I stole nothing!”

“Yes, you did.” He tapped his chest. “You took my heart all those years ago.”

My stomach felt like a wild current of magic, and I had the oddest sensation of wanting to smile, and yet, I didn’t. “Are you serious?”

“Absolutely.” August stood. “But we’ll move at your snail’s pace.”

I scrunched up my nose as I asked,“What’s a snail?”

“A really slow moving, spineless animal in the human world.”

“So, you’re implying we’ll go slow with what?”

“Us.” August turned on the faucet at the tub. “Come over here and undress.”

I stiffened as August reached for the bottom of his shirt. “What are you doing?”