Page 16 of Villainous Greed

As I thought, even if…. Maybe for a moment, I had hoped August would be different. He wasn’t.


“Wait and let August materialize us food first before you kill him,” Finn nagged from the hilltop where the boys waited. They washed first, then Sofia and I went down to clean off. The thin wrapping around my breasts was so filthy, but I didn’t have the courage to take it off with August roaming those woods. The uncomfortable way it tightened around me proved my body had grown more since last month. I didn’t want it to, but in every way, my body was no longer a child. Despite being starved, my body still wanted to thrive. I tried my best to clean the cloth without taking it off. Sofia was completely naked, though. Her skin was shiny and red. More than my own changes, I feared the day her body matured.

There were so many things I was powerless against.

Dunking her head, Sofia disappeared several seconds before popping out of the water, giggling. “I love washing off, but I miss soap, my tub, and my—” Her voice cut off, and I watched the tremble in her lips before she shrugged. I knew she wanted to say she missed her parents. Derrick killed them when he brought her to camp. I wondered what was worse. Knowing nothing but that world, or being free and happy before being kidnapped. I had nothing to compare life with beyond being shackled. The closest I’d been to a bar of ‘soap’ was when I cleaned Derrick’s place. I’d never willingly use his scent on my skin, regardless.

“Do you think August will come today?” Sofia whispered as we spent several minutes wringing out our damp clothes. The filth never seemed to leave our dresses. I suppose it was because we needed soap.

“Probably,” I muttered. “August seems stubborn.”

“Why don’t you let him free you?” she asked after a pause.

I had to face her for that question. Placing my hands on her shoulders, I squeezed. “He wants to free me to put me in another guided cage.”

She frowned. “Why are you so sure of this?”

“Because of the darkness in his eyes. I recognized that stare. I’ve seen it for as long as I can remember, but on another person. It’s the look of someone that thinks anything in both worlds is his for the taking.”

“I don’t get scared when I see August like I do with Derrick. I don’t know, Nova, but I think you’re wrong.”

I didn’t want to argue or correct her, so I worked on slipping my dress on. Sofia gasped and grabbed my hip. I jerked around when she lowered herself to my butt.

“Hades’ sakes! What are you doing?” I asked her.

“Nova… there’s something yellow…” I smacked her hand away when she tried to lift my panties. With a scoff, I twisted around as best I could to inspect myself. I saw something yellow peeking out from the bottom of my panties. Slowly, I lowered my undergarments until it came into view. My mouth parted.

Sofia snickered and said, “It’s a yellow toad.”

“Where’s a yellow toad?” Odin yelled.

I glared up the hill. “Don’t you dare come down here.”

“Okay,” he murmured.

When Sofia saw my face, her smile faded. “Was it Derrick?”

“No,” I assured her. “I don’t know what it—”

“August is here!” Finn shouted.

Panic knotted my stomach as I shoved the dress over my body.

“Any food today?” Cloud must be asking August that.

“Don’t even think about going down there,” Odin said through a hiss. I hoped he spoke to August.

“What is all the commotion about?” A weird tingle formed in my gut at August’s voice. I shook the absurd feeling away and rushed up the hill. “Is Nova down there bathing? Maybe Ishouldpeek—” August cut off and his entire stature froze as he saw me coming. His tall frame reared back, and he raised his hands in the air as if he were preparing for my attack. Smart, ridiculous immortal. “I was joking,” he informed me quickly.

I scowled. “I said don’t follow us to the river.”

“To be fair, that was a different day,” he countered. “But I didn’t follow. I just got here and faded around until I found you guys.”

“Faded?” Cloud’s nose crinkled.

He had mentioned that the day before as well.