Her eyes widened, tears glistening. “What? No! Why would you think that?”
My chest had an awful burn to it. “Because the second I heard you’ve been with him this entire time, I was happy, but also jealous.”
“Oh, Nova.” Sofia walked around the desk and grasped my hands. “Death couldn’t separate you and him. It’s normal to feel that way when you’ve heard so many negative things about him for years.”
“Are the women here?” I asked.
“Yes.” She tugged at my hands. “Do you wish to meet them?”
I shook my head. “So, he really saved them?”
“Every single one. They’d be dead right now if he hadn’t. But I’ll admit, I often got frustrated with him for bringing more women into his harem.”
I frowned. “Why?”
“No matter how many women he saved, it wouldn’t have brought you back to life. I saw his repeated acts of rescuing them as a constant reminder of his failure to save you.” She lowered her head, shoulders tightening. “So, I have to admit thatI confessed my feelings to him at one point, but he rejected me. August has only ever seen me as a little sister, but I wanted you to know because I want to start again. As friends? Sisters?”
“Thank you for being honest. I want to be as we were.” The pain in my chest eased at our admissions.
“Yes.” She laughed. “When you and August finish saving the worlds, there’s so much I want us to do! First, I’d like us to visit Finn, Odin, and Cloud’s grave. Just imagine their faces if they knew August and his family were going to save the worlds.”
My nose burned as I tried to contain the turmoil I felt at losing them.
Sofia hugged me. “Everything’s going to be okay. I have faith in you guys.”
“Thank you,” I mumbled into her shoulder.
“What about this time?”
“For being alive.”
Her shoulders shook as she squeezed me harder. “Same to you.”
“I never want to see the women. You’ll make sure they’re okay, right?” I asked. If they were in difficult situations before August saved them, I was glad he took them in. No one deserved the hardships I endured.
“Don’t worry. We already have a place to hide out when things get worse.”
“Be safe and let August take care of you, all right?”
“I’ll take care of him. Don’t worry.”
She giggled, and it reminded me of when we were younger. “Um. Have you slept with him yet?”
I stiffened. “What?”
“Relax. I can smell your desire, so—”
“You can smellwhat?”
She snickered again. “And so can August. Hades, you’re probably killing the poor guy.”
“I’m not having this conversation with you,” I chastised her as if she were still a child. The reality was she knew more of the worlds than I did.
“Please, enjoy yourself with August. I know Harvest had you trapped, but August has done nothing but mourn you and he never touched another. You deserve to know peace and the touch of your lover.”
My body heated at her words, and she grinned.