“You are my world,” he replied with passion in his voice and gaze. “Fuck, Emily, don’t talk about me leaving anywhere.” He squeezed me tight against him. “You’re not leaving me, and I’m not leaving you.”
I sighed, smiling despite the fact that he wasn’t getting it. “Who said anything about separating?” I asked him. “I just want you to tell me if there’s anything you want. You gave me a dream that I wasn’t even sure I wanted or was brave enough to go for. I just want to make sure we do the same for you.” He was quiet and so was I for a while before I asked. “Do you even want to work at the dealership?”
He pulled away from me and smirked, somewhat appearing pleased with me. “Of course, I do. When have I ever done anything, I didn’t want to do?”
I thought back to our school days and all the sports he gave up for his free time and his simple way of seeing things. “That’s true.” He chuckled softly. “We could leave this apartment, ya know? We could leave right now and take a vacation.”
“At midnight?” he teased.
“I’m serious. I’d pick up and go anywhere with you.”
His eyes sobered, and I let him see the truth in my words. Then came the heavy-lidded loving expression I was so used to receiving, followed by the rush of uncertainty and fear that I had felt earlier today seep through his facial expression.
I thought I might have figured out what my love truly wanted from his expression. Only he kept holding back from asking me. Which meant he was afraid, and I adored him more for it.
We shared fears because our love for each other was that extraordinary.
Chapter 36
I was outof time.
Dad was back home. Today we were celebrating his forty-fourth birthday. I’d been dodging the answer every time he asked me through text. I didn’t ask Emily. I let the opportunity slip through my fingers, and although I liked the idea of leaving, I loved the idea of Emily more.
We were great. No, we were beyond that. Every day spent with her, and every night with her sleeping by my side felt like a dream. I never thought I’d get the girl, my best friend, but somehow, she let me inside her every night, and I walked with my head in the clouds every single day because of it.
So, even though I was a little disappointed in myself for not at least asking her, I didn’t regret my decision to just let it go. I was positive I would get another opportunity in a few years after Emily and I had been together for a while, and I didn’t feel like I might piss my pants with the fear of her not loving me enough to leave her dad and hometown.
I’m serious. I’d pick up and go anywhere with you.
I grabbed my chest at the memory of her saying that. She had been talking about vacations, picking up and doing something spontaneous within a night, but her words had spoken right at my insecurities and for a split second, I thought I should ask her.
Of course, I didn’t.
Cut me some slack. I was the one that pined after her since we were kids and faithfully stayed in the safe place she designated just for me. I wasn’t going to lose her for anything. She topped everything else.Everything.No way was I going to screw it up with asking her if she’d pack up and move away with me when we were still new in this relationship.
But the possessive part of me couldn’t see the big deal. We’d known each other, and I was her go-to person since forever.
“When are Emily and her parents getting here?” Mom yelled from over next to the grill. She was the one doing the cooking while Dad stood close by talking to one of his buddies. I took a look at everyone here. Was it just me or were there a lot of divorced and widowed ladies at this party? That was…odd. Dad wasn’t friends with all these women.
“They should be on their way,” I yelled across the yard. I sat on one of the foldout chairs Mom had put out.
She nodded. “Still haven’t asked her?”
I shrugged. “I’m not going. I just want to enjoy her instead of burdening her with the idea of moving.”
For the first time, my mom had nothing to say.
“Do we haveto be here?” Mom grumbled next to me as we walked up the front steps to Faith and Ben’s house.
I sighed, swallowing the nerves in my throat. “Yeah, we do. She invited us.”