Page 4 of Just Enough

“You plan on working there forever?”

“I might,” she said defensively.

“Don’t.” I blew into the phone. “You’re fucking brilliant, except for your choice in guys.” She snorted, and I continued, “Don’t waste away doing nothing.”

“Okay, Mommy Benjamin.” I cringed every time she called me that. “Stop coddling me, I can take care of myself.”

“Then come with me.”


“You little—”

She gasped. “Little what?”

“Little…” I gave up on what I was going to say. “I’m going to worry,” I admitted.

“Benjamin, look at me.” I did as she asked and looked back out the window to her. Her face was bright and knowing as she reassured me. “I make mistakes, but I don’t repeat the same ones. I’ll be okay, and I won’t settle for any guy less than perfect.”

I covered my face with my hand and groaned. “Just stay away from them period. I won’t be here to get you out of trouble.”

At my words, her expression turned haunted. “Should I?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer. I was momentarily stunned by her reaction.

She finally broke the silence. “If I should stay away from guys, then you should date more.”

“I have no problems—”

“Please,” she cut me off. “Kelly’s been the only girl you’ve ever dated, and that only lasted six months.” I saw the glint in her eyes from here. “You probably didn’t bone her right.”

I swore. “I have no problems… I’m not having this conversation with you.”

“Don’t worry, none of my three boyfriends knew what they were doing either.” She pretended to laugh before she sighed. “That’s why I’m going to wait. I’ve used up enough of my time, my body, and my heart on silliness. I won’t do it anymore.”

I was quiet again, only because these conversations with her made me uncomfortable, and by uncomfortable I meant my heart clamped up so tight, I couldn’t breathe. It was like it was trying to say, “pick me, pick me.”


“If you change your mind, I’m leaving tomorrow to move into my apartment. You can come stay with me; you won’t have to pay. We’ll get you signed up for some classes; it’s not too late.” I was compelled to tell her again because I wanted her to go so bad, I couldn’t stand it.

It was hard to see her face clearly from this distance, but she appeared to be biting her lip nervously. “Ugh, you’re a broken record.” She paused. “But I’m going to miss you.”

“I’m going to miss you too.”

And that was that.

I was leaving; Emily was staying.



Come with me.

His words kept me awake that night. They kept me awake until three that morning, but even when my eyes first opened, and my mind started…

Come with me.