Page 22 of Just Enough

“It’s not going to be easy,” I told him, wincing as I moved my arm to get comfortable.

“It’s not,” he agreed. “Emily, I know I haven’t been a good father but… Don’t give up on me.”

“I won’t.”


Chapter 7



2 years prior….

Summer break wasalmost over. Instead of going home, I stayed in Tennessee and wasted it away on Tammy.

I took enjoying my free time to a whole new level. I didn’t have any responsibilities with schoolwork and my job which was at college. I blew a lot of money with Tammy eating out and hanging with other people we went to school with. I moved out of my apartment I shared with Luke and found a place with Tammy.

I liked Tammy. I liked her a lot.

She managed to keep me away from home and that told me something.

It was August, and I only had a couple of weeks left, so I brought Tammy home with me so I could get Mom to shut up, and I could also see Emily—who I talked to less and less.

I missed talking to her. We were growing apart, and while I called her up, she always kept busy. I was the only one trying to fight the inevitability of us becoming distant it felt like. And it sucked.

But my feelings for Emily were never healthy. I kept what I truly felt locked away so that I could be the safety that she wanted. That she needed.

I didn’t think she even needed that from me anymore.

Mom gushed over Tammy when I brought her in. She actually liked any girl as long as it wasn’t Emily. It still annoyed me how she treated her, but I was glad that she liked Tammy, and while they were chatting, I slipped out the door to see if she was home.

Her car was there, but I figured she’d come out when she saw me pull in. I knocked and waited. It was her dad, Nolan, that answered. “Hey, is Emily home?”

“You’re home Benjamin?” Something looked strange about him. He looked rough, well rougher than usual, but surprisingly, he looked clean. He was clean shaven. Only he looked terrible in the eyes with dark circles.

Wait, a minute. Was he really trying to stop drinking? I hadn’t believed Emily when she told me she had convinced her dad to stop. I didn’t think it was possible.

“Yeah, just got in today.” I placed my hands in my pants pockets.

“Emily’s working. I go pick her up when Crash’s close,” he informed me.

I frowned. “Why didn’t she drive?”

He looked uncomfortable. “She didn’t tell you?”

Tell me what?“Is something wrong?’

“No,” he said quickly. “Just been making a lot of changes recently, and she’s been helping me.” He paused a moment as he met my eyes briefly before scratching his head. “I decided to quit drinking.”

I smiled. “Yeah, Emily mentioned that. That’s great,” I told him honestly because it was. It was only going to be a disaster if he stopped trying. I thought briefly of what Emily might go through if he did revert to drinking again now that her mom moved out.

I hated thinking about it. Her troubles drove me mad.

“Hopefully, I’ll think so too when my body’s not fighting me for just one sip.” I didn’t know if his honesty was a good sign or what. My dad was a mess when he decided to quit smoking. He nearly drove us all crazy, but that was Mom’s job.

“I can go get her when she gets off if you want?” I offered.