Page 87 of Filthy Few

“If I recall you wanted nothing to do with him and now that he is gone you think you have the right to call himbrother?” I don’t give her a chance to answer. “Play the game, witch, and you may just make it out of this alive and with your mother.”

“How the fuck am I supposed to do that when you are risking everything by coming here and…” She clamps her mouth closed, unable to finish.

“I came to you like this because you seem to see me as two people. You want to hate me as Vox, so it makes you feel better about what has happened, but you latch onto the idea of me astwo hornsbecause you think this mask makes me your savior or some shit. I told you, witch, I chose the winning side and I meant it.”

“What the fuck does that even mean?” she screams.

“It means, I won’t fucking lose. Keep playing the game Nexus wants you to?—”

“So I should let him keep showering with me and trying to fuck me every night?” Her revelation has a red haze overcoming me and my fists clenching at my sides. I force my anger to reside or I risk blowing this all up.

“If he touches you, I’ll kill him and it will ruin everything. Don’t let that happen because everyone’s lives and freedom are resting on your shoulders.” I’ve already said too much, so I turn and get the fuck out of there before I ruin everything by telling her.

Chapter Forty-Seven


“Get the fuck out of here, Nexus!” I scream as I plaster myself against the shower wall. The fucker just smirks down at me and wags his brows. Last night was the first time I actually slept soundly because he didn’t come home after the party, not that I gave a fuck but he just had to go and come home this morning, didn’t he?

“You think your pussy is so special?” He scoffs and moves beneath the spray of the shower while I stand huddled in the corner of the stall, using my arms to shield my nakedness. In a move I don’t expect, Nexus grips my waist and presses in so his body is flush against mine. I fight the bile rushing up my throat when I feel he’s hard. I turn my head to the side, unable to look at the sick fuck. “It’s nearly Halloween and guess what? You have one more month of freedom before you turn eighteen andbecome my wife. You will fulfillallthe duties that are expected of a wife.”

I scoff and slowly turn to face him so he can see the hatred in my eyes. “I would rather be buried alive next to my best friend than ever let you between my legs,” I spit out.

“You had no trouble opening them for Vox though.”

“That was a mistake and I don’t plan on making another mistake like that again.”

“Good, considering he showed up late to the party last night and then left with Nicole, I suspect you don’t stand a chance anyway, piggy.” His words shouldn’t have pain spearing me but it does. How the fuck could he come here and chase me down then fuck me only to leave and take that whore home.

I feel sick!

“Oh, you thought he was pining after you?” he says in a stupid mocking voice. “Nah, piggy, you were nothing but a shiny new toy for him to fuck and he always gets bored, so I know your pussy won’t keep me satisfied. But not to worry, the minute I knock you up, I’ll find someone else to satisfy me.”

I balk up at him. “What?” I screech.

The smug look on his face has me wanting to slap him. “The only way to ensure my family remains on top inside the Saints is to produce an heir and guess what?” I don’t answer because I know he wasn’t expecting me to. “No one would be able to fight us for the top spot because a Valerian and Tempest mixed into one would be a true born leader.”

“Your father was never meant to lead the Saints, the rightful heir to The Brotherhood would be a Tempest and aHatchett.” Nexus’ gaze darkens. He shoves away from me and I sigh in relief, until he cocks his arm back and punches me in the stomach. I drop to my knees, gagging and gasping for air. He yanks my head back by my hair and smiles when he sees the tears trailing down my cheeks.

“Don’t ever speak out of turn again, piggy, and put the fucking collar back on before Mommy gets another shock treatment. I would hate to have to tell Martha to refuse to let her out in the valley.” I keep my face blank of emotion. He releases his hold on me and steps back. I hunch forward on my hands and knees, trying to breathe through the pain but then I feel something warm hitting my side and turn my head to the side and shriek, the fucker ispissingon me. His laughter is manic as I try to scramble away from him but I can’t escape. I’m forced to huddle into a ball until he’s finished. His laughter follows him out of the shower and bathroom. I sit here curled up and just cry.

I tried to ask Thomas this morning if I could speak to my mom or just see a picture of her, but the evil bastard just laughed and told me to fuck off and never to ask again or she would pay for my disobedience.

I’ve been sitting out back all afternoon by the pool with one of the photo albums my mom had made me. Seeing pictures of her hurts so much, I just want her to be here so she can hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay. I can only imagine the pain and fear she is going through right now. I’m past the point of caring now what happens to me as long as she is okay. I can’t lose another person, I won’t fucking survive it.

“Here.” I snap my head to the side in time to see Nexus tossing my phone to me that he had taken when I arrived here. I catch it and stare up at him with a raised brow. “Try anything and we’ll know.”

“Then why give it back?” I ask.

“Because I want to give you enough rope to hang yourself with, so please, piggy, fuck up and ask for help.”

I scoff. “I’m not stupid. You gave this back to me in the hopes I would reach out to my masked friends.”

His face hardens. “You try to hook up with that masked fuck again and I’ll slit your mother’s throat myself. I don’t give a fuck who those bitches are, no one does because I’m untouchable, piggy, and it’s about time you learned that.” I roll my eyes at his retreating back. He and Thomas think I am stupid enough to reach out to theFilthy Fewand Nikoa so I can help them figure out who was with me that night. Vox spun a story saying he was following me and got rid of the evidence of Nexus’ crimes and from what Thomas has said, he wasn’t lying.

This list of things to hate about Vox is growing and the fact he did something to Waylen’s body is at the top of my list. I power my phone on and input my pin, then just stare at the screen. My wallpaper is the picture that Vivian took of me and Vox at the beach. I’m smiling up at the camera but Vox is just staring at me with… I slam my eyes closed and shake my head. I fooled myself thinking it was love I saw in his eyes but clearly that was bullshit. You don’t treat the person you love the way he has treated me.

“Nova?” I bolt upright in my lounger and throw my legs over the side at the sound of Vivian's voice. She forces her way through the bushes separating our properties and comes toward me, I dart my gaze to the house waiting for Thomas or Nexus to barge out here any minute. “They just left,” she says in answer to my unasked question. She drops down onto the lounger in front of me, her eyes are red and puffy, clearly she has been crying.