I was too caught up in thinking about Nova to register that I had gone the wrong fucking way, I have English this period and that’s across the other side of the fucking school!
“What the fuck do you want?”
Ezekiel pushes forward and comes to stand a foot away from me. “Pull your head out of your ass, Vox. You're angry because Vivian?—”
“This has nothing to do with my sister.”
“Then why the fuck are you acting like a bitch who got her feelings hurt?”
I chuckle but there is no humor to it. “Because, unlike you dumb fucks, I have a way out and I’m taking it.”
Ezekiel’s face drops. “What the fuck did you do?” The disbelief in his tone is crystal clear and that brings a smirk to my face.
“I chose the winning side.” I reach out and pat his cheek a couple of times until he shoves me back. “I’ll be seeing you real soon,brother.” I turn and head back toward my English class. Just as I round the corner, I bump into Nicole who looks like she was just caught in the act. Rather than call her on listening into my conversation, I sling my arm over her shoulders and continue walking. She says nothing and melts into my side.
By the time I reach the cafeteria, it’s already packed with students hooting and hollering, I scan the area to see what the cause of everyone acting like this is a fucking circus. As I walk in further, everyone parts for me, they all know not to get in my fucking way. I spy Hayze and Archer out of the corner of my eye, dragging Ezekiel from the room who is fighting against them but the instant my sister reaches them and says something to him, he quits fighting and stalks out of here with his head down.
Fucking pussy.
When I break through the crowd I see what all the noise is about, Nexus has Nova on her knees beside him but that isn’t what has everyone riled up. It’s Nicole placing a dog bowl in front of Nova that is piled with wet dog food. When Nexus spots me, I blank my face of all surprise and plaster a bored look in its place and cross my arms over my chest.
“Make the pig eat the fucking food or get rid of it, the sight of the mutt disgusts me,” I snap. Everyone begins laughing and cheering, Emmet even claps me on the shoulder, but the instant I shoot him a glare his face falls and he melts back into the crowd.
“Babe, a good show takes time and you are just in time for the main event,” Nicole coos. I roll my eyes in response. “Daddy said she has to say sorry for being a bitch to me. I don’t want her words. I want her to prove to me that she means her apology and the only way to do that is to eat what I made for her.” Nova’s chin is against her chest and her long raven hair is acting as a curtain, shielding her face from everyone.
“Eat the fucking food, piggy,” Nexus says in a cold tone that causes Nova to cringe. I inhale sharply as she slowly lowers her head toward the bowl.
“Piggy, Piggy, Piggy,”everyone begins to chant. This is fucking pathetic and designed as nothing more than a tactic by Nicole to try to break Nova. Nexus doesn’t give a fuck either way, he’s just punishing Nova for fucking me… My brow furrows as a thought hits me.
Nexus isn’t just punishing her for hooking up with me, he’s punishing her for fuckingtwo hornswhich means, he has no fucking idea who the members of theFilthy Feware.
I’m yanked from my thoughts when the fire alarm sounds out through the room. I look back to Nova to see her face an inch from the food. Nicole screams in frustration and shoves Nova’s face into the bowl, screaming out how she is a fucking bitch and this isn’t over. I dart forward. Nexus shoots me a look of warning that I ignore as I bend at the knees and lift Nicole, slinging her over my shoulder.
“Vox!” she tries to sound angry but we both know she is loving that everyone is going to see her with me like this. I ignore her offers of sexual favors as I carry her ass outside, my gazeinstantly locking with my twin, who is shooting balls of fire at me with her eyes. We all know there is no fucking fire, those four pulled the alarm to save Nova’s ass.
Chapter Forty-five
The pain of Waylen’s death coupled with the fact I am forced to serve and obey my fucked-up stepbrother’s demands daily is becoming too much. I have no escape from him. Every day after school I am forced to stay behind and clean until five. The torment doesn’t end there, by the time I leave the school there are no buses so I have to walk home, but my shame doesn’t end there. The football team finishes practice around the same time and every single one of them follows their captain's lead and hurls insults at me or boxes me in, grabbing their junk and telling me to suck their cocks. The first two times Hayze tried to stop it and help me, but when I ignored him and refused to take his offer of a ride home he got the hint.
It’s Friday and the school is buzzing with the weekend mere minutes away. Everyone is counting down the time for lastperiod to end so they can race home and glam themselves up for the bonfire at the beach. Vox and Nexus organized it, saying since the team had a bye this week they were going to celebrate. I hate Vox, I hate him so fucking much and I can see his best friends are starting to dislike him as well.
He has treated his friends like shit and joined in on making my life hell, he even helped Nexus come up with ways to torture me. I was forced to kneel next to their lunch table as they joked about throwing a Halloween party and making the main attraction of their party a coffin with a body in it.
“We could even have the lid askew and make it look like the fucker was clawing his way out.”Vox’s cruel words pierced me right in the heart and I couldn’t hold the tears back as I knelt crying silently as he and Nexus made cruel jokes about my best friend. When the bell sounds, everyone cheers and rushes from the room but I can’t find the excitement inside me. I’ll be forced to spend two whole days at home with Nexus. The bastard won’t even let me close the door when I shower. This morning he had the audacity to climb in the shower with me. I tried to shove him out but all that earned me was a back hand and a split lip.
Tonight I plan to ask Thomas to allow me to see my mom or at least speak to her so I know the video feed isn’t looped and she isactuallyalive. I ignore everyone around me as I head toward my locker to drop my books off before going to the office to collect the supplies I need to scrub gum from under the desks.
As I open my locker, my eyes widen at the sight of a black envelope. I dart my gaze around to make sure no one is watching as I grab it and quickly stuff it in my pocket. I shove my bag inside and turn to head toward the office, but smack straight into a rock-hard chest. I stumble backward but the collar around my neck is gripped and keeps me from falling to my ass. I flick my gaze up to see it’s Vox. I smack his hand away and quickly right myself.
“Huh, I guess that collar did come in handy for something,” he taunts. Rather than engage with this fucker like he wants me to, I try to step around him but he blocks my path. “Where are you off to, piggy?” Hearing that name from Nexus and everyone else means nothing to me, they mean nothing to me, but hearing Vox use the vile fucking name always cuts me deep.
“I got shit to do, let me pass,” I snap as I keep my head down, not wanting to even look at him. I feel him creep in closer and I still, my breaths turning ragged when he leans down and I feel his hot breath against my ear.
“Stay away from that party, witch.”