“I’ll take that into consideration,” I bite out, but we both know I’m full of shit and never going to think about it. The truth, it’s still too fucking hard for me to wrap my head around everything!
“Can I ask you something?”
A whoosh of air escapes me. “Yeah, why not,” I snark.
“Bitch, that tone is as sour as your face.” Without consent, laughter bursts out of me, I can’t stop it now that it’s started. Before long, Vivian joins me and then suddenly my laughter changes to sobs. Tears trek down my cheeks and I’m wrapping my arms around myself as if hoping to hold the broken pieces inside me together. “Ohh, Nova.” Vivian wraps her arms around me and pulls me in close as I break down. All the pain I have pushed down inside me has finally broken free and I can’t stop it from pouring out. The pain is unbearable, I can’t breathe properly because it’s consuming me whole and I don’t know how to pull myself out of this rut.
“Move.” I hear someone say before Vivian tries to extract herself from my hold. I refuse to release her until my hands are pried free from another. I snap my gaze to the right and the sight of that fucking mask sends my rage toppling over. I scream out as I shove him down the stairs. I run purely on instinct as I jump on top of him and begin wailing on him, my hands scream in protest as I punch his fucking stupid mask and chest but he never once raises a hand to stop me.
“Fuck you!” I land another hit to the side of the mask and cry out when my knuckles split, only then does he lift his hands to grip my wrists. “I fucking hate you!” I try to fight to free myself of his hold but he doesn’t budge. “You ruined everything! You should have left me the fuck alone, you piece of shit, then none of them would be gone!” When I fall back and land between his legs he releases my arms and sits up, staring at me. We look like a tangled mess but I don’t care.
I hate him!
This is all his fault.
“Get the fuck out of here, two-horns, and don’t ever come back or next time, I’ll kill you,” I snarl. I may not be able to see his face but I can see his eyes and the pain etched into them does nothing to thaw my anger or hatred toward him. I push to my feet and glance down at him once more before I turn on my heel, only to freeze at the sight of the other three masked fucks standing on my back porch. “All of you need to get the fuck out of here now and stay the fuck away from me.”
Right horn lifts his masks and the sight of Ezekiel’s gray-blue eyes that are filled with anger, confusion and familiarity has pain exploding inside me again and robbing me of air.
“You want us gone for good, then help us and I swear to you I’ll help you bury Taylor Tempest for good, so you can carry on being Nova Quinlin as if Taylor never existed or came back from the dead.” My eyes widen at Ezekiel’s declaration. I can feel the others staring but I ignore them as I focus on him.
“Taylor Tempestneverexisted, she was someone you conjured up in your mind.”
His lips purse at my answer and I can see he wants to fight me on this, but he chooses to go with another option. “Fine.”
“Good,” I clap back, earning a glare from him.
“You want to know the plan or you gonna keep being a stubborn bitch?” Ezekiel’s words have me ready to fight but the instant I feel Vox at my back, I shutdown.
“Call her a bitch again,” The fucker behind me growls.
“That’s what she was to you though, wasn’t she? When you were fucking her like a whore just so you could get what you wanted?” Ezekiel volleys back, earning a gasp from Vivian. I choke on my own spit. Vox tries to cut around to go at him, but Nikoa chooses that moment to join us and forces everyone to stay where they are.
“I just got word that Kelly has been moved.” The mention of my mother has me darting forward and up the stairs to stand in front of Nikoa who looks… worried.
“Where have they taken my mother?” I ask.
“My guess is they are moving her to keep you in line, so they can continue to dangle her safety over your head,” he answers.
“Did your informant follow the car?” It grates on my fucking nerves that Vox asked the question I was about to. I can hear him and the guys behind me, pushing and shoving and a part of me loves that he is on the outs with his friends because if his ass had just stayed in his own lane none of this shit would have happened!
“He lost them on the interstate,” Nikoa grits out.
“How?” I ask.
“There were four other cars of the same make and model waiting and they played musical fucking cars, my guy followed the wrong one. I’m sorry, Nova.”
“Fuck!” I snap as I stab a hand through my hair and tug on the fucking roots. “Fuck, they knew we were watching them like they are probably watching us now and this dumb fuck had to blow it all,” I snarl as I turn and glare at Vox.
“You got something to say to me then fucking say it, little girl, because I’m done with your fucking mood swings.” The dirty fuck has the nerve to snap at me like that! When I turn to fully face him I see Hayze and Archer holding Ezekiel back. Vivian is smart enough to take a step back and not try to defend her asshole of a brother.
“You think you have the fucking right to show up here and act like you are a knight in shining fucking armor after what you did?” I scream.
“Tell me exactly what it is that I did, witch, because from where I’m standing you’re the one who knew exactly what you were doing. You spread those fucking legs and let the monstercome inside that pretty little cunt of yours.” Chaos erupts around us. Ezekiel is trying to fight against the others to get to Vox but the instant Vivian steps before him he stops fighting instantly—interesting.
I smile darkly up at Vox. “You think throwing around the fact that I let you fuck me any way you wanted and however you wanted would embarrass me? Aww, that’s a bit cute, Voxy, considering never once was I the one at your mercy, you were at mine from the first fucking moment. You had a job to do and failed not only me but everyone else. Instead of doing what a leader should and thinking about his people, you thought with your mediocre cock and that is the reason my life is fucked and my best friend is dead, because you’re a selfish piece of shit who cares for no one but himself.” One minute he stands before me as two horns and then in the next he removes his mask and is the Vox I know and hate. His face is etched in hard lines and his eyes burn with disdain as he stares down at me.