“Can you hand me my shirt?” I quirk a brow at her.
“What do I look like?” I say as I recline back on my elbows.
When an evil glint enters her eyes I fight not to tense. “A guy who isn’t getting a blow job while he drives us home tonight.” I glare at the witch when she starts laughing, I look around for her shirt but can’t find the fucker. I growl when she takes off toward my sister and the guys in her jeans and itty bitty, triangle death trap.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Even with the other’s turning up and making our small hangout a party, it's been the best day ever. Knowing my mom isn’t being hurt and that I will be reunited with her in a couple of days has made everything bearable. But there is one thing that has been eating at me, when I do get her back, what then?
Would we leave?
The thought of leaving my new friends and…Vox doesn’t sit well with me.
“You look like you ate a lemon.” I turn away from the water’s edge to see Vivian standing beside me with a concerned look on her face.
“Do not.”
She giggles. “Yeah, you do and I am woman enough to know that a face like that can only mean you are thinking about a boy and that boy better be my brother.” I smile.
“You gonna kick my ass if I was thinking about someone else?”
“Of course and then I would make the three idiots help me hide your body.” I marvel at the bond her and Vox share. There is only one person I have been close to aside from my mom and that’s Waylen.
“When I get my mom back, I don’t know if we will be able to stay here and I guess… I kind of don’t want to leave this place,” I answer honestly.
“This place or a certain person?” I exhale and nod. She smiles and bumps her shoulder against mine. “You like my brother don’t you?”
No use in lying so I tell her the truth. “Is it weird if I tell you that I liked him before I even knew him?”
“How so?”
“Vox hasn’t been my biggest fan since I arrived. Him and the guys gave me hell but when he came to me astwo horns, I don’t know how or even when it happened, I started developing feelings for him. I guess, I never admitted it to myself but I think a part of me always knew two horns was Vox but I was too scared to allow myself to see the truth.”
“I get it.” Her tone holds an icy edge to it. “People can be someone totally different in the light of day but behind closed doors, a guy can be someone you have always wanted them to be and show you the world through their eyes, but when the sun rises they return to being elusive and acting like you are nothing to them.”
“Are we still talking about me?” I ask. She shakes her head as if clearing away those thoughts and loops her arm through mineand drags me back toward the party. I can feel everyone’s gaze on me and it's unnerving.
“Relax, they are all staring because you're wearing Vox’s hoodie.” I frown at her.
“How do they know it’s Vox’s?” It’s just a plain black hoodie, nothing special.
“It saysHatchettacross the back .” I groan as I lean into her and nuzzle into the side of her neck as she laughs and pats the back of my head. “I guess my brother forgot to mention that, didn't he?” The laughter in her tone is clear.
“Ya think?” I mumble into her shoulder, then pull back to look around at the crowd of students who are all mostly drunk and dancing around the bonfire. When I feelhisgaze boring into the side of me, I fight back my grin.
“My brother not only declared you off limits with that hoodie but he hasn’t been able to stop staring at you, Nova.” The lilt of worry in her tone has me forgetting about Vox and focusing solely on Vivian.
“What’s wrong?” I press.
“Vox doesn’t let anyone get close to him, Nova. All he has is me, Mom, Ez, Hayze and Archer. It’s been that way since our dad died, he’s scared to care and open up to anyone in case they hurt him. Don’t fucking hurt him because I don’t want to hate you, but I will if you break my brother’s heart.” Her eyes are filled with unshed tears and I suddenly feel like the weight of an elephant has been dropped onto my shoulders.
“I…” I clamp my mouth closed trying to formulate words but coming up blank. I have no idea what to say to that. When an arm wraps around my waist from behind I instantly know it's him and melt into his embrace without thought.
“Why do you look like you’re gonna cry?” Vox asks Vivian. She waves her hand and smiles at her brother, but this time thesmile is filled with love and happiness for her brother. “You’re acting weird, Vi.”
“Shut up.” They begin to bicker and poke fun at each other, I pull my phone out of my pocket and check my messages and feel a pang of sadness when I don’t see a message from Waylen. He has been acting so weird since he left and missing our nightly phone calls and not responding to my 4221 message earlier.