Page 52 of Filthy Few

“No, you have to use a condom next time?—”

“Next time?” I feel the heat in my cheeks and groan as I scrub a hand down my face, his laughter just serves to piss me off further. “Fine, next time I won’t let carnal urges take control and I’ll make sure to get you on the pill so I can keep fucking you bare.”

“That is not what I meant!”

“Yeah well, too fucking bad. I like the idea of marking you and the sight of my cum dripping out of your cunt gets me off. Deal with it. Now get the fuck over here or I’m not showing you these letters.” I balk at the fucker, he is seriously delusional. But the truth is, hearing that he likes marking me with his cum has me feeling giddy. “Nova?” I dart my gaze back to his. “I’ve never fucked any chick without a condom, only you and I don’t want to stop doing it.”

I bite the corner of my lip and nod. “Okay,” I say quietly.

“Come here.” How the fuck can I deny him when he looks better than God sitting there shirtless on my bed. Vox Hatchett is trouble with a capital T and I can’t seem to stop myself, or even want to, from following his orders.

Chapter Thirty


She settles in beside me and I can’t stop myself from leaning into her and wrapping my arm around her to draw her in closer as I hand her the letters from my back pocket. She looks fucking perfect wearing nothing but my shirt, and knowing my cum is still inside has the beast inside me smashing his fists against his chest in triumph. Tonight, I hadn’t planned to fuck her I just wanted her to admit it wasn’t the mask she liked. I wanted her to admit that deep down she knew it was me the whole time. But then, I heard the shower and that plan flew out the window until I started fucking her and forced her to combine the versions of me she saw. When she finally let go it was amazing.

“He ripped the seals off so Ezekiel wouldn’t know,” she says quietly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“We thought the same thing,” I admit as I rub her thigh, loving the feeling of her skin.

“Why would he want to hide that from Ezekiel though?” she wonders aloud.

“Fuck knows,” I mutter as she pulls the first letter and begins to read it aloud


You thought you won by killing my brother and his best friend.

Looks like you were wrong, your throne isn’t safe.

She lives and I’ll make sure she takes her rightful place.

Your reign is coming to an end.

Nova looks at me with a weird look on her face. “What?” I ask.

“Is he talking about me?”

A whoosh of air escapes me. “We think he is.”

“This town is so fucked,” she mutters.

“Watch it,” I warn. “I live in this town.”

She snorts. “Exactly. Ever since I got here, you’ve had it out for me and so have your friends. My stepfather and brother want to kill me, and I have a long lost relative that is stalking me. I had a group of masked guys chasing me and I wound up fucking one of them—how is any of that normal?” I raise my brows and shoot her a look.

“You never asked that question when you thought you wereseeing someoneand kissing me.” Her eyes darken.

“You’re a real dick, you know that, right?” I can’t help the laughter that breaks free. She elbows me in the ribs as she pulls the next letter out.


You thought you were close.

Did it burn you up inside when your contract with the law firm was denied?

What about having your two companies shut down by the IRS?