Page 49 of Filthy Few

“That was my bad,” I mutter as I start the car and peel out of the lot.

“Yeah, well, we all knew the great Vox Hatchett wasn’t about to step in and do anything.” The hint of bitterness in his tone pisses me off.

“She said she didn’t want our help,” I defend.

“Bullshit, you didn’t help because you think showing you care is a weakness.”

“My sister is my only weakness,” I grit out.

“From where I’m sitting, it looks like you have a raven-haired-size weakness as well.”

“Jefferson is going down tonight.”

Hayze snorts. “Smooth subject change, asshole.” I shoot him a grin. We spend the rest of the drive back to my house coming up with a plan for Jefferson and the others, and I hate to admit it but Hayze is right. We need to be smart and wait until Friday night. That way they will think they are in the clear and it won’t draw too much suspicion to us. Our conversation is cut short when I pull into my driveway and step out, only to be met by the sound of arguing and shit smashing from next door. Without thinking about it, I dash across the lawn and kick the front door open just in time to see Nexus ducking when Nova throws a vase at his head.

“You ever touch me like that again and I’ll break your neck!” she screams, neither of them are aware they now have an audience.

“Mommy’s getting another round of shock treatment for that, piggy!” Nexus roars. Nova lets out a gut wrenching scream.

“Let her go and I’ll do whatever you want!”

“You gonna suck my dick?” I inhale sharply and tense, I feel Hayze’s gaze boring into the side of my head. Nova’s shoulders droop as she drops her gaze to the floor and I see the fight drain out of her as she shakes her head. Unable to stand this shit any longer I storm toward them making my presence known. Nexus stares at me in shock but I know without a doubt Nova can feel me. The instant I step up behind her she sways into me. I grip her hips, steadying her but say nothing as I shoot Nexus a look that has him squirming.

“The fuck is going on here?” I ask playing my part.

“Nothing, bitch got handsy with me and didn’t like being rejected.” His answer has her stiffening but she doesn’t rebuke his claim, I nod and purse my lips. “What the hell are you guys doing here anyway?”

I come up blank for a second but Hayze is quicker than me. “We came to get Nova, she missed chem today and they have apaper due. You know how shit Vox is at keeping up.” I roll my eyes playing along but I can see from how Nexus darts his gaze between us that he isn’t buying what we’re selling. Before he can question us on it his phone pings, he pulls it out and curses beneath his breath.

“She stays here, I want you both gone by ten and I’ll know if you stay longer.” I nod. “Clean this shit up before Dad gets home, piggy,” he barks before storming out of the room and out of the house, slamming the door closed behind him.

“Well, that was—” Before Hayze can finish speaking Nova whirls on him and opens her eyes wide in warning as she flicks them toward the corner of the room where a camera sits.

“Clean this shit up, I don’t want to spend any more time than I have to with you,” I spit out. Her jaw locks but she does as she is told and retrieves a broom, then cleans the shards of glass up and straightens the furniture in the living room. When she is finished, she motions for us to follow her up the stairs to her room, only when the door is closed and she presses play on the Bluetooth speaker does she finally relax. I never thought I would see the day she wasn’t on edge in my presence but it appears I was wrong.

“What the fuck was that?” I snap as I get right in her face and force her back until she is flush against the wall. She places her hands flat on my chest and shoves me backward. I expect her to lash out but when she reaches for the hem of her shirt my eyes widen, it’s torn in the middle slightly. She yanks it over her head and tosses it to the side leaving her standing there in a black lace bra with her stupid tattoo on display.

Waylen 4221.

“That was me showing that piece of shit that I may bow to him at school for the sake of my mom but not here, I won’t let that cunt touch me…” Her bottom lip trembles and the anger drains from me as I watch her compose herself. “He can dowhat he likes and say what he likes but I draw the line at sexual favors.”

My fists clench at my sides as I grind my teeth to the point they begin to ache. She brushes past me to head for her closet. Hayze keeps his back to her as she grabs a shirt and yanks it over her head, concealing those luscious fucking tits from me.

“Has he touched you?” I grit out through clenched teeth.

She huffs out her annoyance as she drops down onto the edge of her bed. “No, Vox, the only person who fooled me into bed with them was you.”

“Don’t recall ever fucking you in a bed, witch,” I clap back, her eyes burn with outrage as she scowls at me.

“Okay, just so we're aware, I am still here, like standing right here and I don’t need to know about you two doing the horizontal dance,” Hayze says, earning a smirk from Nova.

“Come on, like he didn’t brag about tricking me,” she snidely replies.

Hayze’s forehead creases as he looks down at her and shakes his head. “He never once bragged about banging you. Ez caught him sneaking out of here one night and that’s how he found out but none of us knew, Nova.” Her face slackens as she turns back to me.

“Is that true?”

I stuff my hands in my pockets and shrug my shoulders as I answer her. “I may be a bastard but I don’t kiss and tell, witch. Fucking you was what I wanted, not theFilthy Few. I’ll admit, I thought fucking you would force you to ask the favor but I realized really fast that I enjoyed it too much to care about the favor.”