Page 46 of Filthy Few

“Get in the fucking car, witch.” I roll my eyes and turn away, managing a single step before he is out of the car and yanking me back by my arm. I slam into his chest and fight against his hold but he wraps an arm around my waist, anchoring me to him.

“Get the fuck off me!”

“Fuck you.”

“Never again, dick bag!” I seethe.

“Where the fuck are the files, Nova?” I jerk in his hold.

“What files?” He darts his gaze around and then curses beneath his breath.

“Get in the fucking car, Nexus is coming.” At the mention of the devil's name I don’t argue, I push past him and climb into the passenger seat. I look back expecting to see the other three in the backseat but it’s empty. Vox climbs behind the wheel and plants his foot, sending me back into my seat. “Where are the files about mine and Ezekiel’s dads?”

I turn and stare at him, his jaw is locked and his hands white knuckle the steering wheel. “I told you, I put them in the garden shed out the back of your house.”

He flicks his gaze to me for a second searching my gaze for any sign of deceit. “You’re telling the truth.” It’s a statement not a question.

“Why would I lie, Vox?”

He sighs and scrubs a hand down his face, it's only now I notice how exhausted he looks. “No fucking idea, maybe the fact you hate me would be a reason.”

I choke on my own spit as I gape at him. “Seriously?” I screech. The fact he actually looks perplexed just stokes the anger brewing inside me further.


“You fucking asshole. You lied to me, stabbed me with a fucking pencil and had your asshole friends torment me, then fucked me every night while pretending to be someone else.”

“It’s not my fault you couldn’t make the connection between the two.”

My fists clench and I grit my teeth. “You made sure I couldn’t make the distinction between the two of you,” I force out.


“You said, ‘Vox isn’t yours to fuck, I am’.Remember that?”

He purses his lips and I can see he is fighting not to smile. “I mean, if I recall that night you admitted to thinking about me or should I say,Your asshole neighbor.” I slouch back in my seat and cross my arms over my chest, utterly done with this conversation and his mind fuckery. A couple of minutes pass before he breaks the silence. “If you didn’t move the files, then who did?”

I mull over his words for a minute and try to think back to who knew. I told Vox and the others, Waylen and I are the only other people who knew. I know for a fact none of us would have done anything to sabotage the information so how the fuck did it go missing?

I sigh as I run a hand through my hair, slightly frustrated. “I have no idea. Maybe I was caught on the cameras or something.”

“You said there were none in your bedroom?”

“There were six but Waylen and I removed them.” Vox’s grip on the steering wheel turns white.

“Where were the cameras, Nova?” The anger that laces each of his words sends a shiver down my spine.

“Everywhere,” I admit quietly. “They were in the bathroom, closet and throughout my bedroom—they have seen… everything.” Shame washes over me as I hear the slight tremble in my own voice, I feel so violated that Thomas and Nexus have seen more than what either of them should. Before I realize what is happening, Vox pulls the car over. I turn to him to ask what he is doing but the rage etched into his features renders mespeechless, so I drop my gaze to my lap. Vox reaches out and grips my chin, forcing me to meet his stare.

“What those cunts did isn’t your fault.” The venom in which he says that gives me pause. “You may not trust me or even like me but I swear, they will pay for what they did to all of us.”

“And what about you?” I ask quietly.

“What about me?”

“Are you going to make me pay a debt even though I am helping with the favor?” He smirks but there is a dark edge to it that has me squirming. The way his eyes darken and when he darts his tongue out to moisten his lips makes me clench my thighs, trying to dull the ache that begins to pulse. This is all types of wrong but I can’t lie, I am attracted to this arrogant asshole—even though he lied to me and used me in a way, I can’t deny that I loved how he made me feel when he was inside me.

“A favor asked is a debt owed.” I slam my eyes closed, hearing those words come from him but without the mask make them seem so ominous. “A debt won’t be required from you, witch.” I open my eyes and stare up at him.