Page 31 of Filthy Few

“Why don’t we stop fucking around and speak the truth, Thomas. You want me out and my sister in so you can try and manipulate her into doing your bidding.” My words could have me killed but I am past the point of caring, Haven Saints is nothing like what it once was. It’s all politics now and helps greedy cunts line their pockets instead of hunting down fuckers who harm our town.

“You want to repeat that?” he asks in a deathly calm tone. The sight of Archer and Hayze walking toward me pull me from my downward spiral when I remember it’s not just my life I am fucking with here. If I step out of line they will pay the price for my crime.

“I’ll be at the next summons,” I force out through clenched teeth.

“That’s what I thought. Have you located the bastard fucking with us yet?” I scrub a hand down my face.

“No. We haven’t found a trace of him.” The truth is, we haven’t even been looking for the fucker trying take down the Saints, he’s doing a us favor without even knowing it.

“You find that fucking cunt!” he roars, then ends the call just as Archer and Hayze come to a halt before me.

“What’s up with you and Ez?” Hayze asks.

I fight not to roll my eyes. “Nothing, he’s just being a bitch.”

“Is that so?” I lull my head to the side to see Ezekiel glaring at me, great, it’s a family reunion.

“Fuck off, I don’t have it in me to deal with your shit,” I mutter as I turn back to watch Nova and the others and take a pull from my hip flask. Nicole and her cheer bitches are standing across the room trying to garner our attention but none of us are in the mood for their ‘look at me’bullshit tonight.

“We have a plan and you are ruining it, Vox,” Archer says in a firm tone that surprises me.

“How am I doing that?” I ask as I step into him, bringing us chest to chest.

“Hey,” I look over Archer’s shoulder to see Nova standing there looking uncomfortable as fuck but what pisses me off more is the fact she is talking to Ezekiel.

“What do you want?” Ez snaps.

“To know what the hell your mom was up to before?” she claps back.

Ez shrugs. “Fuck if I know,” he says dismissively.

“Well, nice to see you are still a dick.” She shoots him a filthy look before turning and heading back to the dance floor where my sister is dancing with Waylen.

“You gonna stop that shit or should I?” Archer hisses. My moment of hesitation costs me, within a second Hayze and Archer are both storming toward my sister and make a show of shouldering past Nova who stumbles in her heels. Waylen releases my sister and rushes to Nova’s side and that’s when I see it.

“Looks like you aren’t the only one pining after the bitch,” Ezekiel says from beside me. I clench my fists at my sides and slowly turn to face my best friend.

“Seems to me your mother was pining after her as well. Maybe you should check in with Mommy and see why she was crying at the sight of thebitch.” I leave him there to stew on my words as I head for Nova. I shove my flask into my pocket and choose to ignore the sight of Vivian dancing with Hayze and Archer. I'll let it slide because they saved me from breaking bitch boy's nose for touching her.

“I’m okay,” Nova says to her friend just as I arrive. She jerks her gaze to me and frowns. “Vox?” She sounds shocked and slightly worried.

“Come on,” is all I say, then grab her hand and pull her away from that punk. She doesn’t protest or fight when I whirl around and wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close. Her hands rest flat on my chest as she stares up at me, I can see the wheels turning in her head wondering what my game is.

“What are you doing?” she asks as she darts her gaze around the room, no doubt seeing all eyes are on us.

“Dancing,” I reply dryly.

“I know, dumbass, but why are you dancing with me and not your cheer squad?”

I snort. “Because thirsty bitches don’t get my dick hard.”

“And I do?” she volleys back.

“Your lips wrapped around my cock would.” Her mouth parts on a gasp and red tinges her cheeks. She drops her gaze from mine and I smirk.

“That’s not going to happen,” I hear her mumble. Having too much fun embarrassing her I push on.

“And why is that?”