Hayze and Ezekiel come around the corner a minute later, Archer comes barreling through the side door in his gym clothes with a dark look in his eyes. “She needs to be taught a fucking lesson,” he growls.
I nod my agreement. “I want her in pain, scared of her own fucking shadow,” I hiss.
“We bringing her down a peg or ten?” Ez asks.
“Hayze, fuck with my sister’s car. Her and the witch are going to eat after school, I want her car to make it there and then as far as the woods before it breaks down.” The three of them beam. Hayze rubs his hands together and starts walking backward toward the parking lot as he says, “Fuck yes, this is the shit I live for!”
“Come on, we need to get our shit but no one is to touch my sister, got it?” Archer and Ezekiel nod.
“How do you want her restrained?” Archer asks. I eye him when I hear a hint of concern in his voice, whatever he sees on my face has him adding, “Dude, where your twin is concerned you are a raging fucking dick, so I want you to spell it out for us so none of us ends up with a black eye or a broken fucking jaw like last time!”
“You shouldn’t have touched her!” I snarl right in his face.
Archer throws his hands up exasperated with me but I don’t give a fuck. “It was a pool party. I threw her in the fucking pool, dude. You broke my nose for that shit!” I shrug, not worrying to justify my actions as I head for my car.
“Just be grateful that’s all you did to her or I would have killed you,” I say without an ounce of remorse.
The four of us sit in my car across the street from the diner that a lot of the school kids go to hang out at. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel pissed off at the sight of Nova and Vivian sitting with those assholes from lunch, but the sight that has me seeing red is Ezra, Leo and James standing around their booth with a few others from the football team. I told those cunts to stay the fuck away from her and my sister.
“I’m going to break Leo’s arm for touching Vivian,” I force out through clenched teeth. He’s touched her twice now, the first one I could let go of but the second, I won’t.
“Break his fucking neck,” Archer snarls from the backseat. I cut a glance to him in the rear-view mirror. He’s glaring out hiswindow at the group, his bloodlust is feeding the anger inside me and I revel in the feeling.
I don’t need a shrink to tell me that I am a toxic fucker. I may hate The Brotherhood but I love the violence of it. The way they shred their enemies is something we are already accustomed to. Each of us loves getting our hands dirty but the problem we have with them is that they order it. None of us follow orders well. Even if we didn’t have problems with The Brotherhood, we still would want to find a way out from under their rule.
“This is the first time I have seen Vivian smile freely like that in years,” Ezekiel says—out of the three of my boys, he is the only one who dares to speak about my sister openly. I allow it because I know Ez loves her like a sister, but with Hayze and Archer I have seen them looking at her in an unbrotherly way and that shit is the reason why I broke Arch’s nose.
“I know,” I admit begrudgingly. Five months after we turned sixteen Vivian changed. She became depressed and withdrawn, she stopped smiling and hanging out with us, dropped off the cheer team. Her and Nicole used to be best friends and were thicker than thieves, but something happened to my sister and she still refuses to tell me what it was. She was a goddess at school, everyone wanted to be her but then suddenly she just stopped… caring.
“She is going to be pissed about what we have planned for Nova, you know that, right?” Ez asks as he turns to face me. I keep my eyes on the group as I ponder his question. I watch Nova throw her head back and laugh at something James said as I answer.
“The witch is her ticket to freedom, she’ll get over it,” I bite out.
“And if she doesn’t?” Hayze claps back.
I white knuckle the steering wheel. “I’ll deal with my sister—” The rest of my sentence dies off when I see Nexus’ Audi pullinto the parking lot. “What the fuck?” I mutter as I watch him park and climb out of the car. When the passenger door opens and I see Nicole climb out, I cringe in disgust when she wipes the corner of her mouth.
“Bitch can suck dick better than a hoover,” Hayze says, the rest of us grunt in agreement. Nicole has had all our dicks inside her holes. She thinks as long as she rotates between the five of us that she is end game material. The bitch is delusional.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” Ez mumbles as he leans forward in his seat. We watch Nexus and Nicole stalk toward the back of the diner where Nova and the others are. When she spots her step brother, she clamps her mouth closed, crosses her arms over her tits and slouches back in the chair. The whole table seems to grow silent. I don’t need to be inside to see that the tension among their little group must be high.
Nexus and Nova are clearly arguing from the way both their faces are pinched in anger. Nova’s hands are cutting through the air violently. The moment Nexus grips her arm and pulls her to her feet I reach for my door handle, but Ezekiel snaps his hand out and grips the front of my shirt.
“Stay the fuck where you are, he’s doing our job for us,” he scolds. My chest is rising and falling in anger at the sight of him dragging her out of the diner. I watch my sister jump to her feet and attempt to go after her friend, but Leo wraps his arm around her waist holding her back.
“Fuck this, go after them and I’ll get Vi home,” Archer snaps as he leaps out of the car and races across the road. Nexus doesn’t spot him running through the back door as he shoves Nova in the car and rounds the hood to get behind the wheel. I’m torn between going after my sister and finishing what I started, but the second Nexus reverses out of the lot, I see Archer swing a solid right hook to Leo’s nose and cringe. He definitely broke that fuckers nose. He grips my sister's hand and leads her out ofthere. That is the only reason I go after Nexus because I know she is safe now.
Chapter Nine
“You ever lay your fucking hands on me again and I’ll break your eye socket!” I scream at the bastard. His laughter just fuels my anger. I already have bruises forming on my arms from where he grabbed me today and the new one on my forearm is going to be on display tomorrow for all to see.
“Stop acting like a slut that the boys can run a train on and I won’t manhandle your ungrateful ass.”
“Fuck you!” I scream.
“I’m down.” I reel back in disgust at his answer.