“No,” I choke out as I bury my face in my hands. When Ez reaches for me, I bat his hands away and climb to my feet. “Don’t touch me!”
“I thought you died, I fucking watched you die, Taylor!” he shouts. He scrubs a hand down his face and pushes to his feet. “You were my best friend, how is she alive?” he grits out as he slowly turns to face Nikoa. “And how areyoualive?” I flinch in surprise.
Nikoa stabs a hand through his black hair and sighs. “Thomas and the others were coming for your father, they were elated that he had a daughter because it finally meant that the title of lord would be passed to another family. He tried to overrule his decree but the board wouldn't allow him to change it. A lord's decree cannot be overruled for twenty years. The only way to save his only daughter from certain death and having her forced into a marriage of convenience was to make her… disappear.” I gasp.
“I saw her body, I fucking held her!” Ezekiel screams as he pounds a fist against his chest.
“You sawabody,” Nikoa says with an edge. “Her death had to look real, if Thomas and the others caught wind she was alive they would have come for her. Your father made sure she was protected.”
“How?” I snap.
Nikoa smiles and his eyes soften as he gazes at me. “Nikoa Tempest died three days after his niece, his car was run off the road by a drunk driver.”
“Why?” Ez breathes out.
“Your father trusted no one with his daughter so I vowed to watch over her, find her a family that would love, cherish and raise her right. Kelly had struggled for years to conceive a child of her own, I watched her for months before I finally approached her and made a deal.”
“What fucking deal?” I scream.
“I hand you over and she sends me updates. I have watched you grow up from a distance all your life Nova-Scotia.”
“Why do you call me that?” I hiss.
“That was also a part of the agreement, she had to name you Nova. Our family originated from Nova Scotia and I thought it fitting that the future queen of our family be named after our homeland.”
“Does Thomas know about her?” Hayze asks. Nikoa’s shoulders hunch.
“I believe so. Kelly had no ties to this place or anyone in it. I have no idea who ratted us out. My informant has been trying to figure that out for me.”
“You have a rat in the Saints?” Archer hisses.
“I will neither confirm nor deny that,” Nikoa cockily answers.
“If she is a Tempest then that means she is the rightful lordess of the Saints,” Vox says, speaking for the first time since my world imploded.
“No,” Nikoa says.
“She’s a fucking Tempest!” Vox spits.
“Yes, she is, but that doesn’t mean anything. Your father was the lord after Edmund. The one with the stronger claim to the throne isyoursister,” Nikoa answers.
“If that was true, why the fuck would Thomas be going after her?” Archer bites out.
“Because he wants the decree overturned and the only one who can do that is a Tempest. He wants Nexus and Nova to be married. She didn’t need to know the truth of her origins, Nexus just had to supply her birth records to the board and they would have ruled in his favor. If they succeed in doing this, they will banish all of you.”
“Good!” Archer spits.
“No, you fucking fool, if you are banished it doesn’t mean you walk free. The lord has the right to execute your entire family and tell me, Archer, do you think Nexus Valerian would spare any of you and your families?”
Chapter Thirty-Eight
I can’t wrap my head around this shit!
Nova Quinlin is actually Taylor Tempest, Ezekiel’s kid sister who we all thought had died years ago.
Nexus and Thomas know who she is and want her to marry Nexus so they can overturn her father’s decree and make a new ruling so no woman can ever lead the Saints. How the fuck did we not piece all of this together?