Her brows furrow. “How?”
“You are a Hatchett, so you don’t have that power butifyou married Ez you would be a Tempest.” Her eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. “Maybe that was the union your father was talking about, not Nexus.”
“What took you minutes to piece together took us years.” I scrunch my face in confusion for a minute. She stares at me as if waiting for me to piece together everything she is saying, but our moment is shattered when her front door opens and the four guys walk in. They all look at us with varying looks of worry.
“What happened?” Archer asks with concern thick in his tone.
Vivi waves him off. “Nothing, just nerves about what you have planned tonight and tomorrow,” she says casually.
Vox looks at me expectantly, I inhale and plaster a smile on my face. “What she said.” The way his eyes crinkle in the corners tells me that he knows I’m full of shit but won’t call me out on it in front of everyone.
“Stay in tonight, don’t leave the house. I mean it,” Vox says to his sister before they all head upstairs. I deflate a little knowing he’s still pissed at me. The second they disappear Vi turns to me.
“Is he still mad about the kiss?”
The air whooshes from my lungs as I slouch back into the sofa. “Yeah, I think I really pissed him off.” Her answering laughter has me lulling my head to the side and glaring at her. “Seriously? Why the hell are you laughing?” I glare at her when she snorts and hunches forward, wrapping her arms around her stomach as her laughter grows loud enough to draw the guys back down here. They all stare at her like I do waiting to see what has set her off.
“Are you high?” Hayze asks with a shrug.
Vivian shakes her head and sits up, swiping away her tears, then looks to her brother still fighting back her laughter as shesays. “You bullied her and did some fucked up shit to Nova but one little kiss with me has you going all ape shit?” Laughter breaks free from her again, I gape at her.
“What the fuck are you going on about?” Vox snaps.
She points at her twin then looks at me with tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks. “He can’t stand being on the receiving end, Vox is a control freak and you stole the control.”
I reel back. “What?” I croak out. When Hayze, Archer and Ezekiel all begin to laugh along with Vivian I start to worry if they have all lost the fucking plot until Ezekiel speaks.
“You’re mad because she one upped you and you don’t like being the one who isn’t calling the shots.”
“Oh, you fucked up now, Nova baby, you went and wounded his ego,” Hayze chokes out through his laughter. Vox smacks both guys on the back of the head, forcing them to laugh harder.
“You went and did something only I can do,” Vivian says.
“What did I do?” I ask seriously.
“You got under the monster's skin,” Archer answers, earning a glare from Vox.
“Shut the fuck up! We got shit to do and three cunts to kill.” At the mention of murder all laughter dies out and an eerie feeling overcomes us–worry for their safety gnaws at me.
Since when did I become involved with people who commit murder? Oh, that’s right, probably around the time I allowed a masked stranger to start fucking me.
Vivi and I tried to stay awake, waiting for the guys. Mrs Hatchett cooked us dinner but neither of us could stomach it. I don’t know if Jane is fully aware of what her son is up to or what he hasdone, but she doesn’t seem the least bit worried. I wish I could be like that, instead we’ve sat here with our phones in our hands and the TV playing in the background as we lay on Vivian’s bed, neither of us speaking as we get lost in our own thoughts.
I’ve checked my phone at least fifty times since the guys left a few hours ago. I know Vivian is worried and has kept checking her phone as well. Her and I did discuss how it felt good this time for her not having to hide and pretend like she didn’t know what the guys were up to and could openly worry. It’s well past midnight when both Vivian and I decide to try and sleep. I didn’t think either of us would catch a wink of it but I guess I was wrong because the next thing I know I’m being lifted from the bed and startle awake. I open my mouth to scream but words silence me.
“It’s just me, little witch.” My sleep-muddled mind finally catches up with me and I wrap my arms around Vox’s neck as he carries me out of Vivian’s room and down the hall to his. Once inside, he gently places me on the bed and steps back. I blindly reach for the bedside lamp and flick it on only to wish I hadn’t.
Even though he wears black I can make out the dried up blood that mars his clothing, his wooden mask hangs off his hip and the malicious look on his face has me gnawing on my bottom lip.
“Now you see that theFilthy Fewdoesn’t play games.” He leers down at me.
“But you did with me, why?” I press.
“Because I wanted you, simple as that.” He turns his back and stalks across the room to the bathroom. Not done with this conversation by a long shot, I bolt out of bed and chase after him. I know he can feel me standing in the doorway but he still keeps his back to me as he undresses and tosses his clothes to the side, for a second my mind wonders as I take in the perfect shape of his ass and the coiled muscles of his back, heat begins to unfurl inside me knowing what those muscles feel like beneathmy touch. “Go to bed, witch, I’m tired and we have a long night ahead of us tomorrow.” He steps into the shower and doesn’t even wait for it to heat before he stands under the spray. For a minute I just stand here watching him through the glass but my gaze slowly lowers to his thick cock and my mouth waters.
I know why he went after Jefferson, Neil and Justin and a sick depraved part of me loves the fact he did what he did tonight in my honor. I yank my shirt off—the one I stole earlier from his closet—over my head, then push my panties down my legs before stepping inside the stall with him. He doesn’t open his eyes or even react when I stand before him.
“Tonight isn’t the night to fucking play games with me, Nova.” He leans forward and blinks his eyes open, the darkness that swirls in the depths of those blue eyes has me trembling. I choose not to answer him, instead I hold his dark gaze as I lower to my knees before him.