A throat clearing has us pulling apart. I look toward the door to see the three guys and Vivian standing there. I shoot my friend a sheepish smile.
“Does me punching those bitches make up for you catching me making out with your brother?” The four guys laugh while Vivian blows out an exasperated breath and smiles. Vox steps away from me, keeping his back to the others as he tries to discreetly arrange himself to hide his boner.
“Yeah, it kind of does.” I beam at my friend and wag my brows.
“How the hell did you learn how to do that?” Archer asks.
I shrug. “Waylen taught me, he said every girl should know how to defend themselves,” I answer.
“Did he also teach you how not to get expelled from school?” I cringe and shake my head.
“I think he forgot about that one,” I mumble in answer to Vox’s question.
“We need a plan, if she gets expelled then Thomas is going to lose it,” Hayze says, but it’s too late the doors open behind us and there stands Nicole’s father—our principal.
“Miss Quinlin, my office, now!” I cringe.
“Yes, sir,” I mutter as I tuck tail and follow after the asshole. If I had known he was her father, I probably wouldn’t have done that—no, that’s a lie. I would definitely still have smacked the bitch.
Chapter Thirty-Two
If someone had asked me what I saw myself doing Wednesday morning, I would never have pictured this. We all know Nova isn’t getting out of this one, so I sent the others to class while I wait in the parking lot for her to walk out because there is no doubt she is getting expelled. Haven Prep doesn’t allow fighting unless you have a certain last name, I know Thomas won’t fight for her to remain a student here.
When the doors slam open I smirk at the sight of her storming out muttering to herself. She comes to a stop when she sees me leaning against my car, then huffs in annoyance before making her way toward me. “What are you doing here?” she asks.
“Giving you a ride home, little witch.” The fight drains out of her and her shoulders slump.
“Thanks,” she mutters as she heads to the other side of the car to climb in. I follow her lead and drive us out of there. She keeps her gaze focused out the window but I can tell something more is bothering her. I know this shit with her mom, the Saints and even the shit I put her through with theFilthy Fewis weighing on her, so I decide she needs a day off from everything. I head to my house and park in the driveway. She tries to climb out but I lock her door. She snaps her head toward me with a frown. “What are you doing?”
“Do you trust me?” She stares at me for a minute debating and I guess in the grand scheme of things I haven’t exactly given her a reason to really trust me.
“In a sense, I guess so,” she admits. Her answer grates on my nerves but I don’t call her on it.
“Good. Get a bathing suit and some warm clothes for later.”
She reels back. “What for?”
I pull my phone out of my pocket and fire off a message in the group chat to the guys to ditch school and Uber home to get their shit and to take my sister with them and meet us at the beach.
“We’re having a bonfire tonight and you’re coming with me to the beach. Get your shit, witch, and meet me back here in five.” I unlock the doors and climb out, not checking to see if she follows or not because I know she will.
I sit on the sand with my boys and watch my sister and Nova splash around in the water as we drink our beers. I don’t think I have seen Nova smile like this, she seems like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. We spent the day at the beach swimming, playing volleyball and just hanging.
“So, is she expelled?” Archer asks.
I shake my head. “Nah, she got a two week suspension. That fucker knows expelling her will piss Thomas off and he doesn’t want to fuck the lord off,” I sneer.
“What are we doing about all of this, Vox?” Ez asks me.
I sigh. “Dude, I have no idea. I thought Nova was the key to getting us everything we needed to take down Thomas. Those files only hold the coroner's report, none of it leads back to Thomas. TheFilthy Fewgathered us the intel to know our fathers were murdered but that’s it. The best shot we have is her uncle.”
“What about the Tempest seal on the envelopes?” Hayze questions.
“That one stumps me, I have no idea who this guy is or why he is using Ez’s family seal. None of it makes sense or why he saved her mom.” I hate not knowing everything and it's starting to weigh on me.
“Maybe I should ask Mom about this,” Ez says. I want to say no but the truth is we don’t have any other option, we’re at a dead end except for her uncle. All of this shit is riding on the meeting with him on Saturday.