We found six!
I burst into tears, they may not have had microphones and been able to hear anything that was said but the fact that two of the cameras were in my bathroom, had me emptying the contents of my stomach in the toilet. They have seen everything. I am so angry and feel violated but there isn’t a fucking thing Ican do about it without risking my mom. I need to find her and get her somewhere safe, away from these crazy bastards.
I feel so alone, not having my mom here or knowing where she is right now is killing me. Having to send Waylen home and not having him by my side hurts like a bitch. Waylen has been blowing up my phone since he landed but I’ve ignored his calls and messages. I told him to get as far away from me as he can but in true Waylen fashion he refused.
My phone pings with a text and the sight of Nexus’ name on the screen has my stomach dropping. I gingerly reach for it and open the message. There’s no text, just an image, me on my knees in my bathroom with Vox’s cock down my throat. Bile rushes up my throat but I swallow it down when Nexus begins calling me. I take a second to gather myself before I answer.
“Oh, piggy, is that anyway to greet your big brother?” I grind my teeth and fist the comforter in my free hand.
“What do you want?” I force out.
“Do you think you could suck my dick as good as you sucked your Jason wannabes?” My brows draw in as I mull over his words.
“My friend?” I hedge.
“Well, that fucking mask wearing pussy isn’t a friend of mine.” I swallow my gasp and play along.
“He isn’t my friend.”
“So you just fuck anyone with a cock, is that it?”
I brush off his question with one of my own. “What’s the point of this call?”
“I’ll be home tonight. Dad is staying in the city and will join us tomorrow.”
“Be ready to play when I get home, piggy.” His ominous threat sends a shiver of dread down my spine. When hedisconnects the call I sit here and stare at the wall in front of me that holds all the pictures of my happiest memories.
They don’t know it was Vox in the mask.
I debate whether or not I should call but only havinghisnumber doesn’t leave me with much of a choice—if I had one of the others I would have called them. I take a deep breath and hit call on his number, it rings three times before he answers.
“What?” I look at the clock on my wall and cringe but then remember I don’t give a fuck about Vox or the fact I woke him up at six in the morning.
“Nexus called, he’s coming tonight.”
“Look, asshole, he doesn’t know it’syouin the videos only me.”
“Videos?” A whoosh of air escapes me.
“Yeah, he sent me a still shot of me… it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t know it’s you and that’s my point.”
“And what is your point exactly, witch?” I slam my eyes closed, hearing that name before sent a thrill through me but now I know that it was him the whole time it just fills me with disgust, knowing I allowed him to play me for a fool and let him fuck me however he wanted without protest.
“I hate you,” I breathe out as I fight back tears of shame.
“Yes, we have established that but what’s your point?” I can hear the anger that laces his words.
“Be his friend, let him think you guys are buddies and maybe he will open up to?—”
“Nova, we are theFilthy Fewand we have ways to take down?—”
“If that were true then you wouldn’t have needed me to find this proof, Vox!” I shout.