Page 33 of Filthy Few

“Your mother isn’t in right now, Nova.” I sit ramrod straight in my chair at the sound of Thomas’ voice. It doesn’t hold that kind edge to it anymore, he sounds almost sinister. Waylen lays his hand on top of my shoulder offering me his silent support. He shoots me a look, encouraging me to play along and not make a scene.

“O-oh, hi, Thomas.”

“Hello, dear. Your mother is occupied at the moment. I shall endeavor to get her to return your call when she can.”

I take a deep breath. “What time do you and Mom get in tomorrow?”

“Oh, she didn’t tell you? She hasn’t been feeling like herself lately and has chosen to spend a few extra days here relaxing. I am leaving shortly to head home.” I open my mouth to protest but he pushes on. “You and I shall have a chat when I return home, I don’t like people snooping through my things, Nova, and I definitely don’t like unwanted guests visiting my home in the middle of the night.” My blood turns to ice in my veins, but before anything more can be said he ends the call. I turn to Waylen with wide, fear-filled eyes.

“He knows.”


I reach out and grip his arms. “Waylen, he knows about my finding the file and searching the house. He knows about my masked man.”

“Your masked man?”

I ignore his questions. I start the car and take off toward the cemetery. I hope my hunch is right about where I find theFilthy Fewbecause now more than ever I need their help and it just turns out that two horns is in as much shit as I am. Thomas must have cameras in the house. My stomach churns at the knowledge that he has seen me naked and being fucked. I want to hurl but I force myself to swallow the bile and drive faster, I know my mom is in danger. I felt it earlier but brushed off the feeling, thinking I was being a baby but it turns out, my gut was right all along.

The moment I park the car in the empty lot and we step out, I get the eerie sense we are being watched. A shudder rolls through me as I spin around and take in my surroundings. When I see nothing, I reach into the side of my door and pull the card out. Waylen comes to my side and turns on his phone's torch so I can read the inscription on the note two horns left me the first night he broke into my room.

Where they rest for eternal life is where a favor is asked.

The stone with the head is where you will be led.

Be certain of the favor you ask, we will not offer a second.

The debt will be collected when the favor is complete.

A favor asked is a debt owed.

“The stone with the head,” I mutter as I look around trying to find said stone.

“Ah, Nova.” I look to Waylen to see his gaze is focused across to the other side of the cemetery. I see four little lanterns that are clearly lighting a path. I swallow audibly and nod, toss the card back in the car and interlace my fingers with Waylen’s as we cross the lot.

I can hear a freaking owl hooting in the trees and it only adds to my escalating fear. I don’t like being here at night but something tells me if I came during the day I wouldn’t find who I was looking for. Waylen’s hold on my hand tightens as we near the first lantern, I can feel how clammy my hand is in his but he says nothing. I look around at the headstones and sadness washes over me at the sight of them, they are covered in moss and look weathered. Clearly their loved ones have forgotten about them and left them in their past.

When we reach the third lantern my heart begins to pound inside my chest, I can see the fourth lantern in the distance but it stands alone. As we draw near I dart my gaze around looking for any sign of life. Waylen pulls me to a stop and angles his body slightly in front of mine to shield me from somethingorsomeone. I peer around his shoulder, standing at the edge of the woods are four masked men not three like I expected. The newcomer's mask is brown and unlike the others who have horns on their masks this one doesn’t, but it doesn’t diminish the vicious look he exudes.

My attention is pulled to two horns when he shifts, taking a single step forward, showing he’s the ringleader of this crew. I run my gaze over him and I can tell from the way he isstanding with his fists clenched at his sides that he doesn’t like how Waylen is hiding me from him, so I shift forward and stand beside him.

“The path has been followed, your favor may be asked,” the guy with the right horn says as he comes to stand beside two horns. I dart my gaze between the two of them, something doesn’t feel right. I can’t explain what it is but something in the pit of my stomach is telling me that if I do this, my life is going to change forever and I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

“Before anything happens I want assurances?—”

Two horns speaks cutting Waylen off. “You do not speak!” he roars. I reel back in fright. Waylen wraps his arm around my shoulders and draws me into his side, the move sparks something inside two horns. He stalks toward us but before he can get to us, the other three hold him back.

“Enough!” no horns shouts, silencing everyone. My heart is thudding in my chest and I’m struggling to control myself. Part of me wants to run but the other part, the dark sinister part of me wants to run to two horns and promise that Waylen and I are just friends and this isn’t what it looks like. I can tell that his friends have no idea that he and I have been fucking and it’s easy to see that if they knew, this little meeting wouldn’t be happening. “A favor asked is a debt owed.”

“I know,” I whisper.

“The debt must be paid in full,” Left horn emphasizes.

I nod then exhale. “I understand.”

“The favor is granted no matter the sacrifice. When the favor is complete you will pay the debt,” no horns says, eyeing me with disdain.

“What is the debt?” Waylen asks. All four of them turn their attention to my best friend, a sudden urge to protect him spursme into action. I dart in front of him and look directly at two horns, imploring him with my eyes to believe me.