Her lips tightened and the smile slid from my face.

“Whatever it is isn’t going to change the way I feel about you,” I promised. “Though I have to say I’m intrigued. No wonder she’s taken an interest in your bonding ceremony.”

Estelle started to move away. My arms instinctively tightened around her before I made myself let her go. Forcing the bond on her wouldn’t help either of us. Not when there was obviously something more to it than just trepidation.

She swallowed hard as she pulled up her dress, awkwardly patting down her hair. “I just don’t know you yet. Not really. Even if it feels like I do.”

“I’d say we know each other pretty well, Princess.”

A blush spread enticingly down her neck, and it was all I could do to stop myself from tasting it again.

I shrugged. “Fine then, keep your secrets.”

She blinked in surprise, and I held out my hand. After a long second, she took it.

“You seem remarkably okay with this,” Estelle murmured.

“With whatever you’re hiding from me?” I led her from the willow, the balls of light winking out of existence one by one as we passed them. “I look forward to you trusting me enough to tell me everything. But I’m not in any rush.”

“No rush, except the part where our bonding ceremony is in three days.”

I came to a halt, tipping up her chin with one finger. “I told you already. If you don’t want that, we don’t have to do that either.”

She was already shaking her head. “My father…the High Queen…”

“Have no say in our relationship.”

“You have to know that’s not true,” Estelle said softly, even as her eyes flashed with a hint of her magic. “Half the realm is here on an extended stay to watch our bonding ceremony, whether or not that’s what I want.”

My jaw flexed as I tried to hide my own insecurity at her indecision, especially after what we had just shared. Even if she said she didn’t regret it.

“If choice is what you’re worried about, you should know I have no intention of bonding with anyone who doesn’t consent to it,” I said with forced lightness. “Animaor not, it’s up to you. And if you say the word, I’ll find a way to put a stop to this. Even if I don’t want to.”

Her mouth quirked. “Here I thought you were trying to convince me to go along with this.”

“Oh, I have a feeling I’ll grow on you despite whatever hang-ups you’re attempting to wedge between us.” I reached out my hand, inwardly sighing in relief as she took it. “But if three days isn’t long enough to convince you, I’ll take however long you need for you to realize what this was always meant to be.”

Estelle blew out a breath. “You really want this, don’t you?”

I laughed, and her lips curved upward before she could hide it. “Of course, I want this. Not only did I find myanima, but for myanimato be you? The brilliant, brave princess who enchanted me from the moment I met her? Not to mention a new, sandless kingdom to explore together.” I smiled at her, my heart stuttering as she smiled back, albeit hesitantly. “The only thing I don’t get is why you don’t. But I’m happy to convince you.”



That smile lingered even as her gaze grew serious. “You have until the ceremony to convince me.”

I raised a brow. “And if I don’t?”

She tugged her hand out of my grip, her gown gleaming in the moonlight as she slowly walked away from me. Her hips swayed side to side mesmerizingly as she called over her shoulder, “Three days, Princeling.”

Chapter 15


When we walked into a tall wooden home, there was a loud, recognizable squeal. My jaw dropped as Quinn Sagray rushed forward, my best friend I had last seen in another realm. She wore a scarlet dress that complemented her tawny-brown skin, silver threading crisscrossing up the bodice. Her normally wild curls were swept back in a tight bun, her mouth spread in a wide smile, those amber eyes alight with joy. Until her expression turned to horror, and I remembered I was still covered in a mix of Aviel’s blood and my own.

“It’s not all mine,” I said weakly, unable to think of anything else to say in my shock.