“There’s the small issue of the False King’s army in the way,” Rivan said offhandedly, gesturing with his sword at the mass of soldiers in front of us now raising their weapons. A wall of themformed against the mountain, guarding its entrance from our approach, their efforts to open the gates renewed. But a group of warriors split off from the throng, running toward the ledge with their swords raised.
“Then we’ll have to find a way through.”
I lifted Nightshade into the air, my darkness winding around the blade as I stared down the oncoming death.
Chapter 45
The sky had darkened, the very air crackling with electricity. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating Adronix’s sharp peak high above us. Snow blanketed the battlefield before us, huge white flurries momentarily shielding the opposing army. The imposing mountain loomed behind them, its icy white glowing strangely in the reflection of the yellowing sky.
“STAY IN THE TREES,” I bellowed, knowing my rangers would belay my orders. “Let them come to us.”
With the tree cover, we at least had a chance against their numbers. Especially as their forces split between those coming after us and those staying to guard our path to the mountain.
A soldier came at me, sword raised. I didn’t bother using my shadows, nudging Smoke forward to cut him down where he stood in one swift blow. The one behind him hesitated before lifting his blade. It cost him as I flung my dagger, blood spurting from his neck as he fell to his knees. My shadows retrieved it before he hit the forest floor, my sword already plunging into another.
I didn’t care about their lives. I only cared that they were on the wrong side of this fight—the side that wanted everyone I loved dead, and myanimaenslaved to their king.
“We need to find a way in,” Eva yelled. “When he gets inside…we’re running out of time.”
Her sword clashed against her opponent, easily dispatching him even as her darkness wrapped around the throat of another. Utterly, almost effortlessly deadly. An entirely inappropriate reaction surged through me, and Eva’s mouth twitched as she caught my eye, the heat of my desire clearly having not gone unnoticed.
I winked, then raised my sword, blocking an oncoming blow just as my shadows rushed past me, eviscerating the soldier about to kill one of my rangers. She spun around, giving me a hasty two-fingered salute in thanks, before a branch from the tree above her pierced the heart of her next opponent.
Eva’s darkness reached for a soldier behind me. My blade beat her to it.
“Save your magic forhim,” I ordered.
Eva nodded, her darkness receding until only a thin strand of it latticed around her sword.
“We need a distraction,” Yael yelled. “Something that won’t drain either of you before we get inside.”
Tobias leapt from his horse, landing protectively in front of Quinn. A blow meant for her glanced off his sword as he swept it low. I saw the dagger in his other hand before his opponent did, just as he plunged it into their chest. Quinn’s eyes narrowed at him, then she threw her own dagger over his shoulder. Tobias turned around as the soldier behind him slumped off his mount, falling to the ground as the horse cantered away.
His surprised expression turned into a devilish smile. From the look in her eyes, Quinn’s flush wasn’t entirely due to the exertion.
“We should all go,” Tobias gritted out as he retrieved her blade, hastily wiping the blood from it on the snow in a slashing red line. “We don’t know how many we’ll have to face inside. And Bash and I need to make it to the Seeing Mirror with Eva before that bastard beats us there.”
I spun around in my saddle to see Pari, Akeno, and Thorin following quickly behind, their swords raised.
“You lot just figure out how you’re going to get past them,” Pari shouted. “We’ll provide the distraction.”
Yael released arrow after arrow, buying us a brief respite without my even having to ask. Bodies fell from the ridge before they could even breach the tree line as her magic sent the bloodied arrows straight back to her quiver.
“Once we’re inside, pull back,” I ordered. Pari looked ready to argue, but Eva nodded in agreement. “There’s too many of them to win this battle outright.”
It was a risk to send them running with Aviel’s army at their heels, but better than the alternative. And I was willing to bet that the majority of his forces would continue to guard the mountain, and their leader within, rather than follow immediately.
“And if you don’t succeed?”
I swallowed, wishing I could refute that outcome. “Regroup with the Esterran forces. They’re headed this way, and if you hurry, you should be able to meet them in Soleara. With a united front, and the castle’s defenses, you might stand a chance.”
My gaze darted to Eva. “Between the two of us, we can blanket this place in enough shadow and darkness to keep us covered. But if that’s the only entrance…” I gestured with my sword at the main gate where the two massive steel doors were currently being wedged open, an entire army in our way, “…then we need a better way through than just brute force.”
“Cover me,” Rivan demanded, and Marin immediately rode in between him and the oncoming forces. Yael drew back her bow, an arrow finding its target. Another arrow was locked in her quiver faster than I could process.