Her fingers were playing piano scales on her leg, each run through slightly faster. I took her hand as if I could calm her anxiety with my touch. “According to our last correspondence, Queen Sariyah is readying to join us as well. Though her army will likely be split with the upheaval in her own territory.” Though the queen was on our side, the False King’s supporters had done their best to destabilize her reign, many of her people having supported him in the last war. They had laid low all these years, hiding in plain sight while waiting for their chance,and the queen shared my worries that they wouldn’t waste their opportunity now. “The real question is where your troops will be best utilized—reclaiming Morehaven or at the more pivotal battle at Adronix?”

“From what our intelligence has gathered, Aviel’s army plans to split,” Rivan added. “The numbers heading to Adronix should outweigh those remaining behind, but with Soleara in between Morehaven and Adronix, we risk an ambush.”

Noam frowned. “And with that large of a contingent of Aviel’s soldiers left at Morehaven, I would argue our forces would be best used to deny him any chance that army can provide him assistance, or they’ll trap you between them.”

Rivan nodded. “Between the Imyrian and Solearan forces we have, and those we can expect from Mayim, we should be well matched for the contingent readying to journey northward.”

“But you’re right,” I said to Noam. “We can’t simply leave a second army at our backs. Especially with the majority of the Solearan forces heading north.”

I glanced at the ashy wooden doors again, wondering what was taking Yael so long…and wanting to make sure she was okay after her obvious discomfort at dinner. It hadn’t escaped my notice that my sister’s gaze hadn’t strayed from those same doors since we arrived.

“He’s attempting to beat us to Adronix to circumvent the Choosing,” Eva said, and Eliav stiffened. “I assume Bash told you in his letters about the False King’s abilities. He stole my magic, my…” Her voice faltered, her face paling slightly. “…everything he needs to become High King. Though I won’t pretend I have any understanding of what the Choosing entails beyond where the Seeing Mirror is located.”

The thought of it—of the pain he had put her through—made something feral inside me unsheathe its claws. A wisp of shadow threaded between our fingers, twirling lightly againstthe circular scars on her wrist. Eva barely blinked, but her eyes darkened as a tendril of darkness joined it.

“Not like we can put it to chance that he might fail.” Rivan’s tone was light, though his gaze was worried as he watched Eva. “Though it would be nice if that mirror spat him right back out.”

“We can’t let him get that far,” I said grimly.

Eliav sat forward in his chair, one long finger twisting his dark beard. “My grandfather was the High King before dearly departed Queen Amerie. He told me a bedtime story long ago about the mirror that led to his destiny.”

Eva sat up straighter, the jolt of her excitement echoing down my spine.

“From what he told me, the Choosing does not take place in Adronix,” Eliav continued. “The mirror is only the gateway to where the real test takes place.”

“What test?” I demanded.

Eliav shrugged. “Only the ones who have gone through it know where the mirror takes them and the test they must face. Which is to say, no one left alive.”

“Though if the High Queen’s advisors knew anything, they would have told him, whether they wanted to or not,” Marin said with a grimace, glancing at me before frowning at the still-empty doorway.

Noam looked thoughtful. “I heard that her inner circle has been going missing.”

Marin nodded, though her gaze remained fixed on the door. “The one that lived in Soleara went missing right before Eva showed up.”

Eva’s expression tightened. “He knew I was on my way to him. And if that advisor told him exactly how to succeed in the Choosing…”

A sense of dread was settling in my gut, the feeling not only my own. “Did your grandfather tell you anything else?”

Eliav shook his head. “He only said the true heir has it within them to be chosen.”

I fought the urge to shake him. “So if the False King gets through the Seeing Mirror with Eva’s magic…will that be enough?”

Eliav let out a breath before his face relaxed into its usual aloof façade. “That’s the question, now isn’t it?”

My sister gasped, doubling over before leaping to her feet. “Yael…”

Marin’s double blades were at Eliav’s throat before anyone could move.

Chapter 30


“Where.Is. She.” Marin’s voice held none of its usual kindness, each word forced out from between gritted teeth. “Where is myanima?”

Bash stepped to my side, shifting so he was shielding me. White-hot rage flashed across our bond.

“I don’t know,” Eliav gritted out as Noam’s fingers inched toward his blade. “This wasn’t me. I swear it.”