She rolled her eyes, pulling on a cheeky lace thong that nearly made me groan aloud. “What now? To Adronix?”

“Not yet,” I said, holding up a thick piece of parchment. “It will take time for my rangers to mirror here en masse. And this came from the eastern kingdom.” I lightly slapped her ass as she bent down to pull up her pants, grinning as she yelped before being rewarded again with another brief smile, albeit paired with the roll of her eyes. “Come on, I’ll explain when we’re with the others. After you’ve eaten something.”

She hadn’t been eating well, the dip in her weight from her captivity all the more pronounced because of it. I silently resolved to make sure she didn’t miss another meal, even if I had to hand feed her all the way to Adronix.

Eva tugged on a dark green shirt and black leggings Quinn must have brought with her from the mortal realm. I watched as she deftly wove her chestnut curls into a braid before carefully sliding an oddly glimmering ring onto her right hand.

A tendril of her hair had already escaped from her braid, its loose curl framing her face. I arched an eyebrow as I tucked it behind her ear. “Should I be concerned about who’s giving you gifts?”

Eva rolled her eyes, splaying out her fingers to give me a better look. I caught her hand with my own, lifting it closer. A strangely familiar feeling emanated from the shadowy stone, one I couldn’t quite place.

“It was my mother’s,” Eva whispered. “Apparently, she left it with the sprite.”

My thumb brushed along the top of her hand in a soothing stroke. “Did the sprite say why?”

Eva sighed. “She wasn’t exactly forthcoming. But she seemed fond of her.”

The ring’s surface glinted, its gray stone almost seeming to ripple in the light. I frowned, trying to figure out what about it made me hesitate.

Eva’s mouth quirked as she pulled her hand away. “If the sprite had ulterior motives, there were easier ways she could’ve killed me.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Don’t get too comfortable. It could be playing a long game.”

She laughed softly, though something about it felt hollow. “I have no doubt about that.”

Chapter 25


Ifollowed Bash down the strangely familiar wooden staircase, déjà vu ingrained in each step. He didn’t turn around, but his hand reached behind him, a curl of worry flashing across our bond. I didn’t hesitate before taking it, letting my fingers intertwine with his, Bash’s larger hand nearly swallowing mine. A flicker of shadows wisped across the top of my hand, like they too needed to hold onto me.

Bash had hardly stopped finding ways to touch me since last night—like he knew better than to let me go. As usual, his instincts weren’t far off.

He gave me a tentative smile as we reached the main floor, and I returned it, letting my resolution flow down our bond. I almost winced at the intensity of his relief.

Because I knew what I had to do.

I had to unlearn what the sprite had told me. Bury it so deep that Bash wouldn’t suspect anything was amiss more than he already did…and so he wouldn’t know to stop me if it came down to it. Keep the secret until I was certain there was no other choice. Because Iwouldfind a way to defeat Aviel without resorting to that awful option—even if, deep down, I feared that fate wouldn’t be so easily outmaneuvered.

There was time, after all, before this war began in earnest. Before others died because I was too much of a coward to give up my life for the greater good.

I wasn’t ready to lose this life. I couldn’t, especially not with the way Bash was looking at me, his love an endless current down our bond.

But I also wasn’t going to rule it out as a last resort, a fallback if all else failed. I knew that Bash would only try to dissuade me if he knew and telling him would only make it harder to go through with it if the time came. And I couldn’t bear the thought of speaking it aloud. Of triggering the same helplessness and rage I had felt from him ever since our bond had reanimated only magnified.

There was no point in telling him. In worrying him. Because Iwouldfind another way.

I had to.

My heart pounded against my ribcage as if in agreement. Bash lifted our joined hands, pressing a kiss against the back of mine before he let it go to pull back my chair, our friends and family already eating. I tried to tell myself their inquiring eyes were just my imagination as I softly said hello while loading my plate from the food set on large platters along the table. Each was covered with fresh baked rolls, sliced meats and cheeses, tiny quiches, yogurts, fruit, and a tray of circular buns that I immediately reached for as the smell of cinnamon tickled my nose.

A kettle sang from the stovetop and Bash jumped up, returning with two mugs of black tea sweetened with honey. I shot him a grateful look, and he raised his cup in response.

I took a careful sip before toying with a piece of apple. Bash’s hand cupped mine, bringing it and the apple to my lips. I took a bite before he moved my hand to his mouth, finishing the rest.Something inside me went molten as I felt his tongue flick over my fingertips, his gaze never leaving mine.

Yael set down her mug with a thunk. But she was smiling when I looked her way, a blush rising to my cheeks as I remembered we had an audience. “Are we still flirting or are we going to get to it?”

Bash rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to respond, but I cut him off. “Shouldn’t we head north? Reach Adronix first so we can get through the Seeing Mirror before…” Aviel’s name died on my tongue, as I added lamely, “…before anyone else?”