Page 609 of Dark Love

Completely understandable.

“But this I just can’t agree to. That filth doesn’t get to live after what he did to my daughter.” He turns to me. “I need you to promise me that he won’t survive long in that prison, or I’m going to go back in there and take care of him myself, regardless of what those two women have to say.”

“After he enjoys a warm welcome to the prison system, I’ll ensure Monty leaves this earth painfully.” Even if it won’t be by my own hand.

“Good.” He pats me on the back. “We better feed those two women before they get hangry. One thing you need to learn about Fleur women is they’re scary when they forget to eat.”

They’re scary all the time. “Noted.”

“You’re going to fit in just fine.”

Max was right… I have a family now.

Nosy People And A Country Club


“Are you sure you want to go inside? We don’t have to have dinner with all of them. They’re going to be all over you asking questions and being nosy.” Maverick tugs at his tie for the third time.

Never have I seen Maverick this nervous. “You don’t need to worry. I can handle a few questions.” Mom is the queen of nosy.

“These people are different. They don’t live white picket fence life like your family.”

Cute man. “My mother is a professional gambler, my father reviews restaurants for a living, and my brother’s best friend is a piece of slime.”

“Was. He’s not your brother’s best friend anymore.” Maverick pulls me into his arms.

“My point is, we aren’t normal. I don’t expect your family to be normal.”

“They aren’t my family.” His head turns towards the road with unseeing eyes. “But I used to dream that they were. That there were people in the world that cared if I lived or died. That brought me things just to make me smile.”

“I wish we had met years ago. Then I could have been all those things and more for you. But you have a family now. My mother loves you. She’d adopt you if that wouldn’t be weird. You’re stuck with us for the rest of your life. And before you grin down at me, remember she’s got our lives planned for us. I’m pretty sure she’s even decided where we’re going for our family vacation this winter.”

Maverick chuckles. “Do you still hate the beach?”

Hmmm. “Maybe not as much as I did before.” He leans down to kiss me, and I hold out a hand to his chest to stop him. “New rule.” The groan he lets out is even cuter.

“What’s the rule?”

“No kissing when people that I don’t know are watching us.” I nod toward the open window filled with women, including my mother.

“I told you they’re nosy.” He leans down. “Are you sure I can’t kiss you?”

“Positive.” That’s a complete lie.

“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Maverick turns and grabs the curry and rice off of the top of the car.

“Noted.” But I can’t bring myself to worry. Whether he knows it or not, these women are part of his family. Otherwise, they wouldn’t care enough to want to grill me. I grab the brownie cheesecake off the car and follow him in.

They’re waiting in the foyer for me like sentries ready to block my access to Maverick.

“Hi.” I give them all a little wave. “My name is Dahlia. I’m in love with the man you know as Vex, but will now refer to as Maverick. My hobbies include shopping for purses and shoes, reading, and driving the man I love crazy. Sugar and chocolate should have their own food groups. And before you ask, yes, we want to have a ton of babies. No, my mother isn’t going to get to name all of them. Oh, and I’m absolutely only in love with him because of all the things he won’t stop buying for me. Any other questions I might have forgotten to answer?”

Laughter fills the room.

A stunningly beautiful older woman steps forward. She has enough diamonds on to compete with the crown jewels, but that doesn’t detract attention from her face in any way. “My name is Lulu. How do you feel about throwing knives?”

Hmmm. “Good question. I’m a bit of a klutz, but I wouldn’t mind learning. Maverick seems to know how to dodge and weave pretty well.”