Steak? “I like steak.” It’s not something I bother with often.
“Good. I’ll order some.”
“You’re not going to ask me how I like mine cooked?”
“There’s only one way to cook a steak.” He lifts up the tablet on the bedside table after cracking open the water and handing it to me.
“Oh really?”
“If you’re not eating it medium rare, you’re eating it wrong.”
He has a point.
The little smirk on his face tells me he knows it.
Men. I lean back and close my eyes to rest a little after all that activity.
“Drink your water first, and then you can rest until food arrives.”
My eyes want to shut more than I want to drink, but I lift the bottle to my lips. Does anyone actually say no to Vex?
Dinner And A Game!
“Dahlia, wake up. Food is here.”
Food? Why is a man telling me to wake up and offering me — “It’s not a dream.”
“No Dahlia, it’s not a dream. Trust me when I say you want these steaks to be real. They are the best in the city.”
“Doubtful.” I work up the energy to open my eyes. “I have these neighbors that… their cooking will blow your mind. Eating their food is a life-changing experience.”
“You know your neighbors?”
“Of course, don’t you?”
He stands over me with a stack of towels in his hands. “I know about them, but generally avoid them as much as possible.” With the flick of a wrist, one towel opens up, draping across most of my body. “This is to cover you up, so you don’t end up sleeping in crumbs.”
That was so thoughtful.
“I’ll be right back with your food. Drink some more water. Do you need me to open it for you?” Vex nods towards the new bottle by the bed.
Since I moved, my body feels a bit more alive. “I’ve got it, but thank you.”
He nods and hurries off.
Never in my life have I drunk this much water. Eight glasses a day has always been a far-fetched dream. Why did it take someone drugging me to get me—Someone drugged me. For no reason. Someone picked me out of all those people to drug.
Vex enters the room carrying a tray. “Dahlia, you’re shaking again.”
I am? It’s only then that I notice the trembling. “Why do I keep doing this? No, don’t answer that. Everything in my head is all jumbled up.”
“Do you want to eat later?” Vex stands there staring at me.
My stomach protests at the idea of him taking the divine-smelling food away. “No. I’m hungry.”
The tray that he sets down over the towel on my legs is more like a little lap table. On one corner, there’s a stunning apricot and coral dahlia. “Beautiful.” I run a finger down its cashmere petal.