She chokes on her wine. “I’m your plan?”
“Winning you over. And of course, learning how to be a good father to Auggie.”
“You already are a good father,” she says. The tenderness in her expressive eyes makes me feel undeserving.
“I’m halfway there then,” I joke.
Our first courses arrive and we tuck into them, sampling each other’s dishes like we always used to. It feels like the two-year separation never happened and it’s kind of weird.
She looks up and like she’s reading my mind says, “It feels a bit like déjà vu.”
“Did you slip into my brain? You read my mind.”
She giggles. “So weird.”
I hold up my hand. “Stop. You’re freaking me out.”
“You’re such a goofball.”
I grin. “Hey, since August is staying overnight at your parents do you want to stay in the city tonight… at my place?”
“I was hoping you’d ask.”
We finish our starters and soon after, our entrées arrive. By the time we get to dessert, we decide to take them to go. In ten minutes, we’re home.
The minute the door to Cade’s apartment closes we’re ripping each other’s clothes off like wild animals. I’m utterly swept away. We stumble to the bedroom leaving a trail of clothing, then fall onto the bed. His eyes are smoldering with passion and I feel the heat of his desire matched by my own. His body is incredible. Every sculpted inch of him tells a story of hard work, discipline and passion.
“You drive me wild,” he says voice thick with desire as he ravages my mouth. I feel consumed by him. All thoughts leave and I’m floating on waves of sensation after sensation.
Thirty minutes later we’re lying on the bedroom floor, tangled up in sheets, wondering how we got here. I run my finger down his chest in disbelief that I, Georgia Mae Anderson, have full access to touching this vision of perfection.
“About that project you referred to… now that you’re on break… what does it entail?” I ask.
“Time together, dating, hanging out with you and Auggie as a family.”
I sigh. “Sounds nice.” I stroke the contours of his face with my fingertip, tracing his nose and lips. He captures my finger between his lips and draws it in. It sends waves of want through my body. He studies me, his brilliant blue eyes heavy-lidded from the afterglow of our lovemaking. There is an intimate contentment between us that feels different from the last time we made love.
“I’m on a love high,” he admits.
“Me too. I don’t want to come down but I swear that key lime pie is calling me.”
He snorts with laughter. “Way to kick me in the balls.”
I nibble his ear lobe and whisper, “We’ve got all night.”
“I’ll grab one of my tee shirts for you,” he says, jumping up gracefully and reaching for my hand. I watch his strong athletic legs and sculpted butt as he walks into his closet. There’s a confidence in the way he carries himself that is irresistible. He returns and tosses me a tee shirt which I pull over my head. I snatch my lacy panties from the floor and slip them on as he slides into his gray sweatpants. They ride low on his hips and I can see the dimples that tease the curve of his back as I pad behind him to the kitchen.
I perch on the barstool while he lays out dessert. He grabs two forks, two wine glasses, and the rest of the wine from dinner and sits beside me. I take the first bite and moan. “Best tart ever,” I say.
I lift a slice onto my fork and offer it to Cade. “Open wide.” His eyes twinkle as he lets me feed him. I can’t resist pulling him in for a sweet kiss before returning to my pie.
“Now about that plan of yours,” I remind him.
“The one where I convince the love of my life to marry me?”