“Hey back.”

“I’m sorry I fell asleep last night waiting for you to get off work.”

“I figured as much. Congratulations on another win. Looks like you’re going to the playoffs.”

“Looks that way. We’d have to screw up pretty badly to get booted. It sounds awfully quiet over there. Where’s the little munchkin?”

“He’s with Mama and Ava. They took him to the stable where Daddy’s shoeing a couple of horses. I decided not to go, and took the morning off for some me-time.”

“I’m glad. How was work last night?”

“Slow, but at least Eric and I got caught up on the gossip.”

He chuckles. “I miss you, Gigi.”

I swallow. “I miss you too.”

“Listen Georgia. I have something important to discuss. I’d much rather it be in person but at the moment, that’s not anoption. Please let me get through the explanation before you flip out.”

My stomach sinks. “Sounds serious,” I say, not hiding the trepidation in my voice.

“Yes and no. It’s all in how you look at it.”

“Well? What?” I say impatiently.

“I met with a lawyer yesterday before I left town, about August and custody arrangements,” he says quietly. My blood runs cold. “My family made some excellent points and I managed to squeeze the appointment in since I’m traveling and playing ball almost every day until playoffs. I didn’t want to but when Quinn talked about how legal documentation and spelling things out protects August, especially if something were to happen to me, I thought that was a good enough argument and it made a lot of sense.”

I stay silent my hands shaking. I’m certainly not going to make this easier for him.



“Listen I know this is hard for you, but let me explain further. The lawyer made a point. She says a clear legal agreement provides stability and predictability. It clarifies our expectations and responsibilities, kind of like a roadmap. The financial piece is important for Auggie’s security. Don’t you want peace of mind? What if God forbid, something was to happen to either of us? It ensures we both have our rights and interests represented.”

“Cade, do you honestly think we need a lawyer for that? I thought we trusted each other. You said you wouldn’t do anything without discussin’ it with me first.”

“Georgia we’re just the blind leading the blind. Why do you think I’m doing this? It’s because I’m committed to you and Auggie. My intentions are in the best interest of both of you. Wecan work together with a mediator to help us navigate. They’re professionals with training. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Easy for you to say. You want to take my son on some fancy vacation, away from his mama who he’s hardly spent a night away from all his life and then only with his Mamaw and Papaw! I know that’s what this is about. You want control and equal say. I said no, and you and Wendy can’t stand it. Her paw prints are all over this!” My voice is getting higher and more strident as I continue. “No matter that you weren’t even in the picture for the last eighteen months. I’m supposed to happily relinquish my rights to my precious baby!”

“Calm down.”

I grit my teeth. “How dare you tell me to calm down like I’m some crazy person! I will not calm down. You’re going to have a fight on your hands if you think I’m going to be sidelined. Tell your mother that I won’t let her manipulate this situation.”

“Georgia, the last thing I want to do is to create drama. I’m trying to protect our child’s future. I’d think you’d want the same.”

“I didn’t want you in our lives at all!”

“Ouch,” he says, voice strained. “Sorry, that I’ve ruined your life.” The vulnerability in his voice barely registers, I’m in fight or flight mode.

“Of all the damn luck I had to go shopping that day,” I say, defiantly ignoring the inner voice sayingdon’t say something you’ll regret later.

I hear Cade sigh. “I’m not going to respond. I know you’re hurt and feel that I’ve betrayed you, but I haven’t. When you come to your senses we’ll talk again. Now I’ve got to get to practice.”

“Enjoy yourplaytime,” I say dripping with sarcasm.

“Whatever. Bye, Georgia.”