She smiles. “I understand. It’s a lot to take in. But I strongly encourage you to protect your rights for everyone’s sake.”
“What will it entail?”
“First, we’ll file a petition with the court. This outlines the request and the reasons why. Then once filed, the mother is served with a copy of the legal document. Then Georgia will have twenty days to respond to the petition and file any counterclaims or objections,” she says.
I swallow hard and swipe my sweaty palms down my pant legs. It all sounds so cold and calculating. “She’s going to freak. You have no idea. Her family are going to be livid.”
“Listen, I understand that your feelings for the mother of your child are complicated. And you don’t want to create problems between you two. But here’s the thing, establishing legal custody is not just about you and her, it’s about your child. By formalizing your role as a parent, you’re ensuring that your rights and responsibilities are protected, as well as your son’s best interests.”
“I get what you’re saying.”
“If you don’t take this step, you risk leaving everything open to interpretation. What happens if you disagree with a medical decision or the child’s education? Without a legal agreement youmight find yourself in a difficult position where you have no say.”
“I never thought of that. Frankly, I hardly think I should have a say at this point. I mean she’s been doing it on her own for almost two years. It seems audacious of me to assume I have equal say.”
“You say that now, but as time goes on and your relationship is established you may feel differently. Taking action shows you’re committed! It’s not about making waves, it’s about becoming the father your child needs… the father you want to be. It creates a positive and stable environment for your little one.”
I nod. “I guess. It sounds like the right thing to do.”
“I know I sound like a lawyer here but I’ve seen a lot. You can think you have an understanding but when it comes down to it, that can blow up at any time.”
“That’s what Mom said.”
“If you need time to think about it, there is no pressure from this end.”
“No. I’m at the height of the season and our schedule is grueling. I literally won’t have time for another meeting. You’ve convinced me. I’ll talk to Georgia tonight and explain exactly how you’ve presented it to me. Hopefully, she’ll understand. Sign me up.”
Ninety minutes later I’m boarding the plane for the East Coast with my teammates and dreading my next talk with Georgia. I tried reaching her but it went to voicemail so I left a message saying I’d call her back. She workslate at the restaurant tonight so the big conversation will have to wait until later.
I’m feeling a little mopey this morning knowing I won’t see Cade for almost two whole weeks but it’s impossible to stay that way with Auggie’s antics. This morning he’s pretending to be different animals. Right now, he’s a pig, making silly sounds as he crawls around on all fours.
“Where’s my Auggie? I don’t see him. There’s just a little piggy,” I say scooping him up and blowing raspberries against his neck. He erupts into a fit of giggles. I set him back down and he crawls around, continuing his porcine role, snorting and oinking. Jasper, always up for a good time, follows him around, tail a waggin’. Clarence sits on his throne watching with disdain from the back of the couch. What a group.
The intensity of my feelings for Cade scares me, and it’s another reason why having lofty thoughts about our relationship is a very bad idea. I know there are incredible women behind many of these ball players. They’ve learned how to navigate the feast and famine of loving an MLB player. Supporting their men whether they’re in the same city or across the country must get lonely at times. Can’t be easy holding down the fort and takingcare of the babies whilst their husbands work their butts off in season. I’m not sure I’m cut out for that life.
That nagging little voice on the other shoulder chimes in,Part-time’s better than nothin’. But is it? It’s hard to turn your emotions off and on like a light switch when all you want to do is keep them on twenty-four-seven. It’s kind of like opening a door to a candy store that’s been locked up and suddenly I get to sample all the sweets I want. Then the door is slammed shut again. Oh, I don’t know… that’s a stupid analogy. Holy cow am I ever a mess. I miss him already.Not good!
Regardless of whether we’re a couple or not he’s going to be in my life so is it going to be any harder if I open my heart than if I guard it? Who am I fooling? I’m already up a creek without a paddle anyhow.
“Aunt Ava is coming over to watch you while Mama goes to work.”
“Va va,” Auggie says.
Speaking of work, thank God I work tonight. Eric is going to get an earful! I feel a little giddy thinking about letting go and diving in. If I do a belly flop, so be it. I do think I can trust Cade, I do. He already loves Auggie and… well… I want this so bad.
I sigh. “Time for a bath little piggy,” I say. He squeals when I hoist him into my arms. “This little piggy goes to the bathtub, then Mama has to get ready for work.”
While I’m bathing Auggie, my phone rings. Glancing at the lit screen sitting on the toilet lid, I see that it’s Cade and my heart skips a beat. The call goes to voicemail and disappointment washes over me. I can almost hear his warm familiar voice and I want to scream at the bad timing.
“That was your daddy calling,” I say.
“Da da,” he says.
“That’s right. Your daddy is playing baseball tonight.”