“I wouldn’t go that far. She did have to get in a few digs along the way.”
“You’ve met your match, Loretta,” Daddy declares.
She scoffs, “What, her and a flock of chickens?”
I snort. “Mama you’re terrible. You’re going to have to get used to the idea that they’re practically kin. Whether you like it or not, they share DNA with your grandbaby same as you.”
“Enough about Wendy Jennings. I want to know what’s brewing between you and Cade. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Did some hanky panky happen between the two of ya that I missed?”
My face flames and I’m thankful it’s dark out. “Mind your own damn business, Mama.”
“You are my business. Doesn’t matter how old you are, you’re still my baby.”
“Right now, we’re focusing on his relationship with August.”
“A huh. Sure, ya are. I wasn’t born yesterday. Where’d y’all go when we first got there.”
Ava jumps in to defend me. “Mama, this is Georgia’s life, not yours. I reckon you didn’t need any help making your own mistakes.”
“Don’t get lippy. The reason I’m talkin’ about it is so she can avoid mistakes I may have made. I don’t want any of my children to have to learn the hard way.”
Daddy says, “If we learned from others’ mistakes, life would be a whole heck of a lot easier but it don’t work that way, Loretta.”
“Thank you, Daddy!” I huff.
Thankfully we arrive back home and Mama and Ava go straight to the main house and Daddy carries my sleeping child inside and puts him in his crib. I walk him to the door and before heading out he says, “Don’t mind Loretta. If you decide to give Cade another chance, she’ll come around. She just doesn’t want to see you hurt again like before. I think it about killed her back then. We all felt so helpless. She’s scared is all.”
“I know. Truth be told, so am I.”
“You know you can always come and bend my ear. Judgment free zone. If you want my opinion, it’s time to let go of the past and see who he really is. He’s a father now and that changes everything. I think he loves you, Georgia.”
My eyes sting and I reach up on my tip toes and kiss his weathered cheek. “How in the world did I ever get so lucky to have you as my daddy?”
His voice gruff he says, “I’m the lucky one. Now get some sleep and pay no mind to your Mama. She likes her drama.”
I snicker. “Got that right. Night, Daddy. And thank you for everything.”
“I had a real nice time tonight and so did Ava and Loretta too, no matter how they spin it.”
“Could have been a whole lot worse,” I say. “See you tomorrow.” I shut the door and pad to bed.
Against my better judgment, I made an appointment with the attorney my mom met with. She specializes in family law. I’m on my way there now. My family convinced me that at the very least, I need to see what she has to say. I fly out today at noon and I’ll be gone for the better part of two weeks, so I squeezed it in before I head out.
As Quinn pointed out, if something unexpected were to happen to me, I’d want August to be provided for. Their arguments make sense. I don’t have a will or anything in place. Now that I have Auggie that seems plain stupid. I’ll see what she has to say about custody and all that.
I pull in and park then enter the plush law office of Becker, Brown and Harper. I’m meeting with Amy Harper today.
The receptionist greets me and says, “Ms. Harper is expecting you.” She leads me down a wide carpeted hallway and stops in front of a partially opened door. Knocking she announces, “Mr. Jennings is here.”
“Thanks, Kelsey, send him in.”
I’m surprised to see a woman not much older than me. Early thirties tops. She stands to greet me, holding her hand across thedesk for a shake. Her warm smile is reassuring. I didn’t realize how anxious I was until this moment.
“Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.”