“What a fake ass,” Ava grumbles in my ear.

“Hush, she’ll hear ya.”

“Now I hope you don’t need me to hold your hands because I’m going to get to know my grandson. Unfortunately, I have two whole years to make up for.” And with that, Wendy sweeps outside.

“She didn’t even look at her gift,” Mama grouses.

“She’s probably afraid to,” I say. “Can’t say as I blame her.”

“Whose side are you on?”

“The righteous side Mama, always the righteous side.”

She snorts, “Yeah, right.”



“Come on outside,” I say. “You’re all huddled together like you’re bracing for a storm.”

“Got that right,” Ava teases.

I take Georgia’s hand and hold on tight when she tries to pull away. I notice Loretta and Ava follow my movements and then exchange a look. Too bad. They’re going to have to get used to it.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mention bringing swimsuits,” I say. “I messed up.”

“That’s alright,” Doyle says. “Loretta can’t swim no how. She sinks like a rock. There’s always cornhole.”

Mom walks by with August in her arms and the cousins tagging along. “We’re going to put Auggie’s swimsuit on,” Grayson says in a sing-song voice.

“Do you need me, Mom?” I ask.

“No. I think August is comfortable enough with us.”

I squeeze Georgia’s hand and say, “I agree.” I smile at August as he jabbers with my mom and they disappear down the hall. “I think this is going well.” I look over at Loretta and Ava’s sour expression and reevaluate. “Can I get you guys anything? Another drink, some apps?”

“We’re good,” Ava says.

Mom returns in short order and Auggie is beaming. “Look at those spiffy trunks,” I say. “Do you like them August?”

He looks down and pulls at the blue fabric. “Yesh.”

“Are you ready to get in the water my precious?” Mom coos. She’s obviously changed into her suit while getting Auggie ready. She slips off her swimsuit coverup while holding August then tosses it on a lounge chair. Mom walks carefully down the steps leading into the inviting water. August splashes happily.

Grayson and Emma both take that moment to cannon ball into the pool, splashing everyone in the near vicinity. Loretta gets doused pretty good. She laughs and it appears to have been an ice breaker because next thing I know she’s rolling up her pant legs and sitting next to the pool feet dangling in the water. I glance down at Georgia and she’s laughing as she pulls her hand from mine to brush water from her arms and legs.

I reclaim her hand and tug her along. “Let’s go. I want to give you the garden tour.” She glances at our son and I reassure her. “August will be fine.”

Ava and Doyle have challenged Kennedy and Quinn to a cornhole duel and they’re currently tossing the handmade bean bags with a cat versus dog theme.

We walk down a garden path that leads to my parents’ back property of rolling hills dotted with shade trees. I stop when we reach a large oak and lean against it, pulling her into my arms. She surrenders willingly.

“What took you so damn long?” she says.

“Don’t know,” I murmur then capture her chin to press my lips to hers. She weaves her fingers through my hair and nibbles on my bottom lip. I splay one hand on either side of her jaw, holding her steady, then slip my tongue inside. I’m hungry for her… I’m consumed. All I’ve thought about since I left her place last week is when we can have another night together.The following morning as life pulled us in different directions I wanted to hold on tight.

I’m obsessing with how right it all feels, how perfectly her curves fit against my body, how soft her skin is, how wild and free our lovemaking has always been.