“Oh, yeah, the tote is all packed,” she says holding up the diaper bag.
“Let’s head out then.” We all turn when we hear tires crunching on gravel. It’s Loretta in her old Ford pick-up. She jumps out and slams the door.Great.Two seconds too late.
She eyes me up and down like I’m a bug on her windshield. Despite that, I plaster a smile on my face and greet her. “Loretta! Great to see you again.”
“How are you, Cade?”
“Pretty good. Yourself?”
“Could be better. I hear you’re taking my daughter and grandbaby off to the zoo today.”
“Yep. Looking forward to spending time withmy son,” I say pointedly. I’m all for trying but I won’t let her walk over me either.
“R-i-g-h-t,” she drawls.
“By the way, now’s as good a time as any. My mom would like to invite your family over for dinner next Monday. It’s one of my few days off this month. You and Doyle… Ava, Darla if she’s available. I’m sure Asher won’t be able to make it but he’s welcome. My mom, dad, brother and his family will be there. Give us all a chance to get reacquainted.”
Loretta shoots a dirty look at Georgia who shrugs.
“Not sure that will work for us,” Loretta says stiffly.
“You’re already booked then?” I press.
“Not necessarily.”
“Look my family hasn’t even met my son yet and we thought this could be an excellent opportunity to introduce August to everyone, surrounded by the people he knows and loves.”
She sniffs. “I’ll think about it.”
“Mama,” Georgia warns. “That’s a lovely invite and we’d be happy to accept. Right, Mama?”
She huffs, “I reckon.”
“Great! I’ll let Mom know.”
“Give your grams a kiss,” Loretta coos to August presenting her cheek. I hold August tight as he leans over and smacks his lips against her cheek. Loretta looks at him her green eyes shimmering with warmth and affection. “You be a good boy,” she says stroking his cheek. I guess she does have a soft side. Who knew?
“Let’s go,” Georgia says. “Bye, Mama. I’ll call you tonight.”
“Be careful.” She stares me down. “Don’t be driving fast and reckless in that fancy car of yours.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I say with a slight smirk. I can’t help it that she brings out my inner asshole. She turns and stomps towards her house.
“Wave goodbye to Grams, August,” Georgia says and he waves at her back as the screen door slams behind her.
I strap Auggie in while Georgia buckles herself into the passenger seat. “This is a vroom vroom car,” I say to August and make engine noises which he is quick to mimic. After I climb in and start the car, I rev the engine and say, “Vroom vroom. Now let’s go see the giraffes and elephants.”
“That’s right. Like that book I read to you last night,Giraffes Can’t Dance. Remember?” Georgia says.
“Yesh, book… draf,” he says.
I reach over and squeeze Georgia’s knee. I want to let it rest there so bad but I don’t want to push my luck. There is a definite thaw in the air and I’m not about to blow it.