“Goodie for you,” Ava drawls. “Matchie matchie. Your little mini-me. Must do wonders for your ego.”

“Ava, can you give me a break?” Cade says. “I’d like to enjoy my son’s first game.”

She sighs dramatically. “I’ll try, for Auggie’s sake.”

“Thank you.”

I wring my hands nervously as we enter the elevator and descend. When the doors swish open, we step into a corridor lined with Cutter logos and memorabilia. Even the cement has painted Cutter logos like stepping stones.

Cade is bringing the heat in his fitted uniform that accentuates his physique. Tight behind, confident stride, he exudes an air of leadership. He points out things as we follow and I must admit he and August paint the cutest dang picture in matching outfits.

“I’ll give you a two-cent tour of the clubhouse then someone will take you to your seats,” Cade says. “Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to do it myself. I have to hustle out to the field for warm-up.”

We follow him into the clubhouse which he informs us is adjacent to the locker room. It’s relativity empty with a few stragglers rushing about who do double-takes when they catch sight of Cade and August. A few people call out to Cade as they pass.

The clubhouse is large, with a kitchen and dining area as well as an entertainment center with televisions, games and comfortable seating.

“Here’s where the coach tells us off… we have meetings and strategize here and do the aftergame press conferences. We have a weight room and recovery area back there,” he waves to another entrance, “and showers and stuff are through the locker rooms.”

The centerfielder, Dean, rushes by in full uniform then comically stops on a dime retracing his steps backward. “Dude! This must be August. Wow, when you said he looked like you, you weren’t lying.”

“August, can you say hi to Dean?”

August grins at him revealing that adorable gap between his two front teeth. Cade takes Aug’s hand and waves it at Dean, making August giggle.

“Hey little dude,” Dean says then notices Ava and me standing behind Cade. His eyes widen appreciatively and helets out a low whistle. “Goddesses! There outta be a law! Hey, Georgia. Remember me? We met at the charity event.”

“I remember. Nice to see you again.”

“And it’s obvious this is your sister. Hi, I’m Dean.”

“I’m Ava. Nice to meet you. Good luck tonight.”

“Thanks.” He looks at her speculatively. “I can’t believe they let you in here with that shirt on.”

She shrugs and flashes a mischievous grin. “Sorry, not sorry. As I was telling your friend,” she nods towards Cade, “free speech and all that.”

“The clubhouse is sacred. It’s excluded from the First Amendment when it comes to loyalty. I guess we’ll have to let it slide tonight since you didn’t know better but don’t let it happen again,” he says jovially. “I hope to see you guys after the game. Gotta go. Bruh, I hate to break up your family reunion but it’s past time.” He trots off and Cade reluctantly hands over August.

“I gotta go,” he says then yells over to an usher standing by the exit, apparently waiting for us. “Hey Joe, I’m heading to the field now, can you show them to their seats?” He turns to me. “If you want any snacks or drinks from the clubhouse before you get seated feel free to help yourselves.”

I shake my head. “We’re fine. We can find our way to the concession stands.”

He strokes Auggie’s cheek before he leaves, then he’s gone and it feels like the life got sucked out of the room. To my shock, August’s eyes well with tears and he reaches towards the door Cade disappeared through seconds ago.

“Well, I never,” Ava huffs, shaking her head in disbelief. Under her breath, she says “Little traitor.”

“Shh, if I can hear you so can he,” I grumble.

“Blame it on the gin,” she says smiling sweetly. “Let’s find our seats.”

“Follow me, ladies,” Joe says.

“For the life of me, I don’t know how he sleeps through all this racket,” I yell over the cheering crowd. My little lug is sound asleep in my arms. He didn’t even twitch when the entire stadium erupted over his daddy’s home run in the seventh and the fireworks exploded. The Cutters just won the game after torturing us until the very last inning to take the lead. It was a real nail-biter.

Ava says, “Cade’s head is going to be as big as the Great Pumpkin after that game.”

“If he doesn’t get MVP it’s rigged,” I reply. “He was incredible.” I know I sound like a fan girl but I can’t help myself. He made some plays that were the stuff of superheroes.