A smile splits my face. “Just thinking about our next sixteen years together.”
She rolls her eyes. “Co-parentin’ ya mean?”
I wink. “Yeah that.”
“You’re impossible.”
“Geege, I just had a brilliant idea! You and Auggie should come to Friday’s game! There’s a fireworks show after the game win or lose. But we’re gonna win. I can score seats right behind the dugout or if you want, they could be in the sky lounge.”
“W-e-l-l… I reckon it’s gonna happen sooner or later and I am off that night. Can I bring Ava?”
“Sure. You can bring anyone you like.”
“Just Ava for now. I don’t think you’re ready for my mama.”
I chuckle. “Probably right about that. Great! It’s settled then. I’ll have a limo pick you up Friday around five and I’ll meet you in the parking garage. That will be between my practice and taking the field.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“It will be easier that way. Please can we just not argue this one time?”
She bites back a smile. “Okay. We’ll be ready.”
“Yes!” I say and jump up from my chair to hug her. Her scent draws me in, she smells like a bit of heaven…citrusy with faint floral notes… I inhale one more time and release her before she gets a chance to push me off.
I snap my fingers. “I almost forgot. I have something for the Augster.”
“What did I tell you about spoiling him?”
“It’s clothing so it doesn’t count according to you. It’s a little Cutters uniform.”
“You already gave him a jersey and cap.”
“But this one is exactly like mine, number and all. Humor me here.”
She smiles the most beatific smile I’ve ever seen. Soft and warm… I know I’ve charmed her. I’d say it feels as good as a home run.
“You sure I look alright? I feel a little too glammed up for a ballgame,” I say to Ava as the limo glides along.
“You’re straight up slaying. Cade Jennings can eat his cold heart out.”
The limo ride is so smooth it’s like we’re floating on air. Country music streams quietly through the high-quality sound system. It feels so luxurious and foreign that it makes me even more nervous. The new car smell and leather is divine. It seems a waste that there are only three of us; there is so much unused space. The plush leather seats are soft against my bare thighs. There’s even a mini-bar with drinks and snacks for goodness’ sake. It’s like we’re in a movie or something. August is strapped into his car seat next to me and Ava is seated across from us. “I feel like Julia Roberts inPretty Woman,” I comment.
“Don’t get seduced by the trappins’,” Ava warns.
“You don’t need to worry about that.”
Ava grins. “But seeing as the three of us are limo virgins we may as well make the most of it. I’m mixing myself a drink.” She opens the mini-fridge and scoops some small ice cubes into a glass then grabs a bottle of top-shelf gin and pours a generousshot. “Wow, they even have lemon wedges. Can you finish this Sprite? I only need a splash.”
She hands me the can and then uses a cocktail straw to stir her drink. Sipping loudly, she smacks her lips, “Mm. Now that’s what I call a drink.”
Auggie makes car noises, concentrating on the toy I brought him to play with. Elly and Elmo have taken a back seat lately. But Elly is in the tote bag and when August gets sleepy that’s still his go-to. Me and Ava smile indulgently.