“Really, Cade. Are we done here?”
“When can I seemyson?”
Her voice could forge metal. “I’ll have to check my calendar and get back to you.”
“I have a very tight schedule. We only get a handful of days off and we’re on the road half the month. If I wait until you cool off, whenever the hell that will be, I’ll be on the road again.”
“I guess you should have thought about that before you insulted my mama.”
“But it’s perfectly fine for you to insult me and my family, have I got that right?”
“I’m here.”
“You say you’re off tomorrow?”
“I work tomorrow at five. We can meet in the morning if that suits you.”
“Whenever you say. You call the shots.”
I hear her snort.
“How ‘bout you meet here at the house. You can test out your acquisition with August. I’ll see if Ava can watch August after your visit with him so we can have an adult talk.”
“What time?”
“Nine-thirty work for you?”
“I’ll be there. Geege, let’s not fight and for God’s sake we can’t let our parents get between us.”
I hear her blow out a breath. “I reckon.”
“Good. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Cade.”
She hangs up on my goodbye. I shake my head. Well, that didn’t go well. I immediately dial my mom.
“Hello dear, you made it home?” Mom answers.
Without a preamble, I dive right in. “Do you have any idea how far you’ve set me back with Georgia?”
“Set what back? You’re not a couple. You certainly don’t need her approval. You have rights as August’s father. I met with our attorney.”
“Mom, how could you?” I huff out a breath. “Things were going just too damn good.”
“Don’t be dramatic. Do you want your son growing up in a trailer while you live in your luxury condo?”
“A trailer is perfectly fine,” I say through gritted teeth. “August seems to be one of the most well-adjusted and happiest kids I’ve ever met. She’s doing something right.”
“Too soon to tell.”