“Better than studying. Great way to procrastinate.”

“What are you studying? Are you going to school?”

I could kick myself. I’ve already said too much. “Business Administration. Mostly on-line courses.”

“Huh. Doesn’t sound like you. I would have thought graphic design or art history… something like that. You were always pretty artsy.”

“I’m hoping to open a coffee shop so I need business skills.”

“Now that sounds more like you,” he says.

“I figure if I’m my own boss I’ll still get to prioritize being a mom.”

“Georgia, you do know that you don’t ever have to worry about money again, right? I’ll buy you a coffee shop. I just signed a five-year, fourteen-million-dollar a year contract with incentives. That’s more than I know what to do with. Endorsement deals could follow. Nike is already sniffing around. I can provide for my son and his mother.”

I’m glad he can’t see my jaw drop. I’m shocked. Nobody in my stratosphere makes that kind of money. Suddenly I feel dirt-poor. I’ve never measured myself or anyone else by money and I’m not going to start now! I just need to silence that small pesky voice telling me I’m not good enough and that I’m down on my luck by comparison. I don’t want my child growing up thinking like that. He’s not going to be spoiled rotten or thinking he’s better or worse than anyone else.

“We are doing just fine, but thank you very kindly,” I say stubbornly.

“Sorry. It doesn’t work that way. You can be as stubborn as you like, but don’t you think August deserves some of the perks that will come from my support?”

“A college fund would suffice.”

“That too.”

“Listen, Cade, it’s very generous of you to offer but we don’t need money. I live in a trailer parked right on my parents’ property, so all I pay for are utilities. I have free child care. Ava and Mama watch Auggie for me and Daddy too, when he’s free. I make good money on tips most nights.”

“I didn’t call to argue about it.”

“Well, why did you call?”

“Wanted to hear your voice and see if you caught our big win. One step closer to the playoffs.”

“I’d think you’d be off celebrating or something,” I say.

“Got another game tomorrow. Need my beauty sleep. I’m already back in my hotel room.”

I hear a male voice in the background and he says to someone, “Alright already. Dean says hi.”

“Is that the centerfielder?” I ask.

“One and the same.”

“Tell him hi and that was an awesome save in the third.”

“She says hi and to tell you that you don’t hold a candle to the left fielder.”

I hear male laughter and, “Yeah, right.”

“Well, I guess you boys best be gettin’ your sleep. Good luck with the rest of your series.”

“You’ll be watching, I hope.”

“I have a shift at the restaurant tomorrow night but maybe Sunday’s game.”

I hear him sigh. “I guess that’ll have to do. Can’t wait to meet August but I’m nervous as hell. What if he hates me?”

“That will not be a problem. Trust me.”