I laugh. “You got me there, however, now that I have a child I have to lead by example.”
Her eyes soften and she suddenly rushes over and hugs me squishing Auggie between us. “You’ve always been the best example. You never swore that bad. Only when you were mad.” I hug her back feeling tears burning my eyes.
Ava pulls back her brows furrowed. “I’m sorry that jackass, oops, I mean Cade, is back. We were doing just fine without him. Now he and his snobby family will try and take over. It will be a cold day in hell before I let that bit… um… I mean Wendy Jennings butt into our lives! She doesn’t deserve to shine your shoes!” Ava huffs.
Sniffling, I chuckle at her outrage. Honestly, it makes me feel better. “Well, she isn’t my favorite either.”
Ava sits down across from me with Auggie contentedly on her lap as she plays patty cake with him. “I’m pretty sure she was cheering Cade on when he left without having the balls to tell you face to face.”
“More than likely,” I agree.
“She’s probably gonna stir up all sorts of trouble claiming grandparent rights and all that nonsense.”
“Ava, I’m already freaking out and you aren’t helping. Cade promised nothing is going to happen without talking about it first.”
“I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. He knows how to use his charm to get what he wants. All those baseball players have to do is snap their fingers and those two-bit cleat chasers come a running. He’s bad news. If I were you, I wouldn’t trust a dam… darn thing he has to say.”
“Dam,” Auggie says with an irresistible grin. I give Ava a dirty look.
She has the grace to look sheepish. “I’m tryin’.”
“Try harder.”
“He has no idea what you went through after he dumped you! He broke your heart into a million pieces… and that was before you found out you were pregnant. Every time I think about how shallow and selfish that man is, I could gouge his eyes out!”
I can’t help but laugh at her fiery remarks. “I love you Ava, I really do, but you’re going to have to be part of the solution, not the problem.”
She rolls her eyes at me. “Have you thought about how you’re going to introduce him?Baby boy, this here is your daddy.”
“I guess since he’s so young that might be the best way to handle it. Doesn’t seem right to introduce him as plain ole Cade.”
“That just kills me, I swear to God! He doesn’t deserve to be called daddy. He didn’t do nothing to earn it. What has he done besides ‘the act’?”
“It’s not his fault he didn’t know about August. That’s on me.”
“He ran off on you. He’s a selfish, entitled athlete who is used to getting his way on everything! Don’t you dare even let me hear you start blaming yourself.”
“Sis, although I appreciate your loyalty, the fact is heisgoing to meet his son. I need help deciding how best to introduce them.”
Ava sighs dramatically, her expression sour. “I suppose at this age, Augs won’t understand what’s going on. It’s probably best to hold your nose and introduce him as his daddy. I don’t envy you none.”
I look at my baby and weigh my options. He’s as smart as a whip. “At least he’s too young to have any emotional baggage, so I’m not too worried about how he’ll react when I introduce them. I think with his outgoing temperament he’ll be fine.”
Standing, Ava hands August to me. “I’ve gotta go. Mama had a cancellation so I’m getting a manicure and then going straight to work from there.”
“You’re just jelly.”
I hold out my hand to show her my closely clipped nails. “Hardly. Ava, I need a favor. I’m meeting Cade tomorrow morning at nine if you or Mama can babysit.”
She sighs. “I can. I don’t go to work until three.”
“Thank you. I’ll put you in my will.”
She rolls her eyes. “I’ll surely want for nothing then. Bye, Auggie,” she says, leaning in to kiss his cheek. He grabs a fistful of hair and tugs. “Let go, you little heathen.” He giggles as she pries her hair from his grasp one finger at a time.
“Auggie, let go,” I say. “I swear I think his terrible twos have arrived early.” When she’s finally free she sweeps out, the screen door banging behind her.