“Great. I’ll check in tomorrow, okay?”
“Give Auggie a hug for me.”
“I’ll do that.” My heart feels like it might just burst.
“Sweet dreams,” he says, voice low and sexy.
“You too. Bye, Cade.”
“Bye, Georgia.”
I’d probably feel more exhausted if I weren’t on my way to pick up Georgia and August. We got in late last night after three series of away games. Traffic is a little congested as I try to merge.
My phone rings. “Hey, Mom.”
“You’re home. I never hear from you lately.”
“Got in late last night. Haven’t had time to call. What’s up?”
“What are you up to?”
“I’m on my way to pick up Georgia and Auggie. We’re heading to the zoo.”
“That’s wonderful, but when do your father and I get to spend time with him?”
“Soon. It won’t be long and August will be comfortable enough to be alone with me.”
“And Georgia’s approved all this?”
“Not yet but she will.”
“Hm. Well, I’d certainly like to meet him while you’re home for this stretch. Just bring Georgia if you have to.”
“Gee, that’s a great sales pitch.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Unfortunately, I do. I’ll see what I can arrange. No promises. We’re taking our time. I don’t want to push anything.”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake! He’s not made of glass.”
“Never said he was.”
“I’ve got an idea!” she exclaims. “I’d like to invite Georgia and her family over for dinner. You have two days off next week between series, right?”
I squeeze the tense muscles at the back of my neck. I am not ready for this. “Mom, it’s too soon.”
“Says who? Georgia? You have rights. So do your father and I! As a matter of fact, I think I’ve been more than patient.”
“You have. I know you’re anxious to meet him.”
“So are your brother and sister-in-law… and your niece and nephew. Doesn’t your family matter to you anymore?”