Mama and I are playing our second game of Canasta at her kitchen table while Auggie is down for his nap. Jasper’s quietly snoring at my feet while Banjo, Mama’s Jack Russell-Chihuahua mix, sprawls on her lap. As she’s dealing, my mind wanders back to the date I have set up with Cade. He’s having me over for supper tonight and he’s doing the cooking. Even though he presented it as a ‘co-parenting meeting’ I know his intentions aren’t so pure. He’s not foolin’ no one.

“Yoo hoo, your draw,” Mama nudges me under the table with her foot. “You were a thousand miles from here. What’s got ya worried?”

“What makes you say I’m worried?”

“The furrows in your forehead for starters. I know Ava is babysitting for you tonight and I know it isn’t for work. Spill the beans.”

I anxiously chew on my lip because I know how well this will go over. “I…um… I’m going over to Cade’s tonight to discuss this shared parenting thing. You know… logistics… stuff like that. He’s cooking supper at his place.”

If steam could come out of a person’s ears it would surely be happening now. I prepare myself for a dressing down and I’m not disappointed. She lays her cards on the table face down then folds her hands staring at me like some disapproving schoolmarm.

I set my own cards down and hold up a hand. “Mama don’t start with me. I’m a grown-ass woman. We have things we need to figure out.”

She arches her brows. “Alone? At his place? With him cookin’ a romantic dinner for two? I wasn’t born yesterday, ya know. That sounds mighty cozy. Please tell me you aren’t considering opening yourself up to that man again. After what he did to you… my good God, Georgia, what are you thinking?”

“I’m trying. This is all new to me. What do you expect?”

“I expect you to resist temptation. There is no denyin’ that man is like a walking Pinterest board, but I taught you better than that. Sweetie, unless you’re prepared to get burnt again, I’d leave playing with fire to the professionals.”

“I have no intentions of getting back together romantically.”

“You may not, but he’d be a fool not to try and getyouback.”

“You honestly think so?” I say a tad too enthusiastically.

Mama slaps her palm on the table sending her cards scattering. “I knew it! Who the hell cares what he thinks? He doesn’t deserve another chance with you, do ya hear me?”

“I never said he did, now did I?” I sniff.

She scoffs. “I reckon you gave yourself away. If you’re wanting this man to try and win you back,” she shakes her head, “well, I don’t know what else to say to get through. It would be a terrible mistake. He’ll only break your heart again. He’s got a romantic notion in his head about being a father and you and him living happily ever after. Not very likely. He’ll be on the road for weeks at a time during baseball season, with women throwing themselves at him and fans hanging all over him. Whatwill you be doing? Waitin’ at home for a few crumbs when he’s in town. Then who is to say when he’ll be traded again? Do you want to uproot and follow him? Think about that.” She huffs out a breath.

“I didn’t come over expecting to get an earful. There will be no uprootin’ because nothing is going to happen. Plus, he has a five-year contract with the Cutters. Please give me some credit.”

Mama’s expression is resigned and tender. “Baby girl, I give youallthe credit. I was young once. I know all about temptation. Your daddy was a lot like Cade. Handsome, charming, going places. I was head over heels in love with him. Don’t think for a minute that you’re lacking in any way. It’s just that attraction is a powerful thing. You once thought he was the one and he is the father of your child. I just don’t want you to put yourself in a difficult situation.”

“You have to trust me on this,” I say ignoring the niggling doubt tugging at my conscience.

“You are a fine mother to little August. You work hard, study hard and are making it work. Don’t let him derail ya. That’s all I’m sayin’.”

“I won’t. It’s only supper.”

Mama reaches across to hold my hand. “Stay strong. He’s going to go all out to impress you. Just remember where you were two years ago.”

“I will, Mama.”

“Let’s finish this game before my grandson wakes up.”

“And Mama? I hope you know how much I love you. I know you’re looking out for me and Auggie. Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” And I mean it, I really do. Can I help it if my pulse goes wild every time I think of seeing Cade? That doesn’t mean I’m going to give in to temptation.

Ipull up to the parking garage security booth and the attendant is all smiles as he slides his window open.

“Good evening,” he says.

“I’m Georgia Anderson. I’m here as a guest of Cade Jennings.” I hold up my driver’s license for him to see.

“You’re on the list. There are visitor parking spots right by the lobby entrance.”