Page 43 of A Tinsel Tale

“Spill it,” I say.

She looks up through her lashes. “You could always read me. How do you do that?”

I chuckle. “Evie, you’re like a freakin’ open book.”

She laughs and sticks her tongue out. “Am not.”

“Are too,” I argue. “Quit deflecting. What’s going on in that complicated head of yours?”

“I’m afraid of the crash. Ya know? What does this all mean?”

I huff out a breath. “I have no idea but it’s whatever you want it to be. I’m not gonna lie Evie, I don’t want this… us… to end.”

“But how? I live in Chicago, you live here. I’m entrenched in my career. You in yours. You’re a small-town guy… and…”

I raise my brows. “And?”

She shrugs, biting her lip.

I stroke her long hair. “Have you gone completely over to the dark side?” I tease, trying for lightness.

She brushes her fingers across my jaw. “Do you still want kids?” she asks suddenly.

I blow out a breath, hesitant to answer. “I’ve always wanted kids. That hasn’t changed, but at this point I’ve accepted that it may never happen, and I can live with that.”

“Are you sure you’re not giving up? I’m sure there are a half a dozen women right now that would love to make babies with you.”

I tilt her chin up. “Um Evie, I don’t want kids just to have kids. I want a family. I want to raise my children in a house filled with love. I’m not shopping for a baby mama.”

“I didn’t mean it that way. It just seems like a huge sacrifice.”

“What about you? You always wanted children back in the day.”

She shrugs. “Things change. It’s not a priority anymore.”

“Are you sureyou’renot the one giving up?” I throw her words back at her and hold my breath waiting for her answer.

She rubs her eyes. “Maybe. I don’t know anything anymore. Down is up and up is down since I came home.”

I exhale. I can live with that answer. “You don’t need to have all the answers. Give everything time. When I push myself, it’s like I’m pushing away the clarity. When I throw my hands up in the air, the answer sits down on my lap and mocks me,” I say, and she giggles.

“I’m not even sure what I am anymore. I never thought I could move back here and be happy after living away so long… but I’m not so sure anymore. The time here has been a revelation on all sorts of levels.”

I’m almost afraid to breathe… afraid to hope that this could mean something… that I actually have a shot. “Don’t tease a guy like that,” I say gruffly. “You want me to have a heart attack or something?”

She strokes my face. “I’m not. There’s a lot to consider. We’re not teenagers anymore. Life is more complicated. A long-distance relationship would be hard… even if we’re only four hours away.”

“Maybe it doesn’t have to be long distance. Maybe I could check out jobs in the Windy City.”

Her eyes well up with tears. “Jamie, you’d be miserable in the city. I know you. I’d never ask that of you.”

“Isn’t thatyoudefiningmethis time?” I ask.

“Quick learner,” she says, on a laugh. She blows out a long breath. “All I do is work. You’d never see me. My job is so demanding, I can’t see that changing.”

“Let me live with my delusions for tonight. Okay? Nothing is insurmountable. Right? We’d better roll,” I say reluctantly. Hux whines by the door so I hop up and walk naked to let him out. Evie whistles a cat call then claps appreciatively. I strike a pose and say, “You just want me for my body.”

She laughs as she pulls up her lace panties. “Ditto.”