I feel my cheeks heat remembering being caught canoodling with Jamie. Reluctantly I take her hand. “I’m Evie.”
“Ah! Well,helloEvie. It’s great to make it official.” I detect no sarcasm and she seems genuinely friendly.
“This is Evie’s dad, Bill Parker,” Jamie says. “He was my high school football coach. And English teacher freshman year. Coach, Casey bartends at the Beers and Cheers.”
She shakes Dad’s hand and says, “So nice to finally meet. I’ve heard so much about you.”
Surprised, Dad raises a brow and smiles. “Well thank you, young lady. Nice to know I’m thought of. I’ve heard the new bar owners really fixed the place up.”
“It’s great. You should stop in. We’re more of a sports bar now instead of the local watering hole. Brings in more tourists,” she jerks her thumb towards Jamie, “and we’re still a local favorite. That keeps us solvent.”
Jamie chuckles and says, “What are you trying to say? Coach, if you ever need to bend an ear, Casey here is the best therapist in town.”
“Don’t tell Lori that,” she says, referring to a local hair stylist.
Dad smiles, then I catch him grimacing and note the strain on his face, so I push things along. “It was nice meeting you,” I reply. “Good luck with your tree.”
Jamie grabs the tree by the bottom and begins hauling it towards the entrance. “Look around Case. I’ll catch up with you as soon as I load this sucker.”
Case! Ugg. How cozy. I’m mad that I feel disappointed he won’t be joining us for hot cocoa and cookies but even more… Ihatethat I’m jealous ofCase. I scoff. I suppose she’s nice enough… shouldn’t I be happy that Jamie may have found someone? I guess I’m not that good a human. If I’m miserable, he should be as well.Nice Evie, I chide myself.Way to be the bigger person.
I make Dad sit on a bench while I fetch him a cup of steamy hot chocolate and a decorated sugar cookie, then meet Jamie at the truck to help tie the tree down. I’m silently cursing him as I catch the twine he tosses to me from across the truck bed. I loop it through the tie-down hook and cinch it. We continue until Jamie is satisfied it’s not going anywhere then stand awkwardly, staring at each other over the bed of the truck. He walks around and takes my shoulders in his bear paws and turns me to face him.
“You sure got quiet all of a sudden,” he says, a peculiar glint in his eye.Is he laughing at me?
I cover my mouth, faking a yawn. “Did I? I’m tired I guess.” The snow is really coming down now and a few flakes have settled on his preposterously long lashes. A girl should be so lucky! Without thinking I reach up and brush my mitten across them. His pupils flare and the moment is suddenly charged with sexual tension. Until I remember Casey waiting for him amongst the snow-kissed Christmas trees. “You better get back toCase,” I say exaggerating her name. Sorry not sorry. I can’t help myself. His eyes light up and a slow smile engulfs his face. I want to scream. He is so arrogant, and I am soooo obvious.
He freakin’ tweaks my nose and says, “Guess you’re right. See ya round, Chicago. Better get some rest.” Then leaves!
Well. That’s all I need to know. I stomp back to Dad and choke down a cookie and cup of cocoa, determined to forget all about Jamie F’ing Barrington.Done!
Iwhistle as I search the rows for Casey.Case.Ha!I can’t wipe the stupid grin off my face. Am I a complete asshole because I love seeing Evie in a sulky snit? She was jealous. Makes my lil ole heart go pitter patter.
I catch up with Casey. “Hey, Case. Find anything?”
“I like this one,” she says. She looks at me sideways. “She’s beautiful.”
“Don’t I know it,” I growl.
“What are you going to do about it?” she asks.
I shrug. “What can I do?”
“I don’t know… something… anything.” Then she grins. “If looks could kill…”
“We’d both be dead,” we say at the same time and burst out laughing.
“She’s still crazy about you.”
I narrow my eyes. “Don’t be too sure. Old habits die hard is all that was.”
“Trust me. Call it women’s intuition but I’d say she’s still in love with you. She wouldn’t feel threatened by me if she wasn’t at least interested. A little jealousy may be what the luv doctor ordered.”